Ace High / I quattro dell’Ave Maria (Giuseppe Colizzi, 1968) has a comparison between an older German version and an older Italian DVD, if that is an indication of the paramount vs uncut Version, then that’s a source to consider

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Thanks man, I’ll check it out.

The SWDb has no review of the new ACE HIGH BluRay. Can someone write one?

This movie’s page in the SWDb has been upgraded to the new “SWDb 3.0” format. Please have a look and let us know if there’s something you can add (information, trivia, links, pictures, etc.).

New poll on the first post in this topic at the top of the thread.

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Since I watched ‘God Forgives… I Don’t’ last night, I’m going to continue with the trilogy tonight and revisit ‘Ace High.’ I remember it being less good than the first one but always enjoyed it, so let’s see how it holds up!

I’m not sure about the running time. My DVD is NTSC and is exactly 122 minutes and 23 seconds long.

I’m not so sure now. After revisiting this, I think it’s just as good. Another 5/5

I wrote this in 2018! My feelings have definitely changed a lot since then. It doesn’t try to be epic, it is epic! I can’t wait to rewatch Boot Hill again now. @stanton might be right!

Also got the Kino blu but havent watched it yet, too bad its the shorter cut, thanks Paramount

It’s already an excellent film. Is there anything in the uncut version that improves it? Looks like the international cut is only 10 minutes shorter.

Not sure if this is the correct comparison, but yes, about 10mins difference, and I will never be happy with anything other than an uncut version

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Was the entire print dubbed into English?

I don’t know, but it would’ve been nice to have a composite version, with missing pieces subtitled for example (preferred for all movies really, rather than having massive FOMO)

Watching this one now, the visuals of this BluRay are of course a blast… it’ll all go into a Colizzi retrospective article later this month…

Cross posting

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I may not be as fanatical as @I_love_Cat_Stevens about this film, but I do love it, and would be really interested in seeing those missing 10 minutes.

I dream of an Arrow Colizzi set just like Wallach’s character dreamt of revenge.


it would be the most wonderful thing. All three Colizzis in best HD quality, fully uncut, tons of extras, etc…


I’ll probably hold off on the Kino blu-ray as it’s another wasted opportunity by them, and I don’t need to hear Alex Cox do another commentary on a film he hates.

The missing 10m are nothing special judging from comparison- all extra footage in existing scenes - although the shoot-out with the revolutionaries seems to be the section trimmed most.

I found it very odd that after having had a huge (unexpected I assume) success with God Forgives Colizzi then decided:

  • to make a new character the focus of the sequel reducing Hill to almost a supporting role
  • Creating a 4th hero, Thomas, but then hardly featuring him until the last 45m
  • Having no major villain figure - Drake doesn’t appear until the last 15m
  • Making it so long - this is the longest non-Italian Leone western at the time it was released
  • Making it so talky. Cocapopoulous must explain his revenge plot about 4 times. That anecdote about his grandfather also goes on for ages.
  • Making it largely lighthearted- although I can understand that as Van Cleef, Gemma had all made light-hearted movies that year.

As you can gather I was pretty disappointed in this (122m version) after having seen it recently for the first time in over 30 years and having forgotten everything apart from the gunfight at the end which is the only decent sequence in it.
Haven’t watch Boot Hill yet but I have the 3 disc German DVD in my in-box.