A Great DVD Extra

I stumbled across this on YouTube, and it was just the something I would have dreamed about 10 or 15 years ago… I can’t believe it exists. Gemma, Garko, Hilton and friends on the couch chatting about spaghetti westerns.

I just think this would be an incredible thing if it could be included on a Blu Ray as an extra with subtitles! Are there similar things out there? I’d love to know what they are saying.


Thanks for sharing this. Anyone up for fansubing this?

Wow, this is certainly a rare treat, never knew this guys got together to talk.

Yes, would definitely like subs for these.

Quicker to learn a few Italian basics ! … all actors getting together in these scenarios say much the same thing, ‘Io sono bellissimo’ … but it is very nice to see the old squadron. :wink:

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I’d rather see this released with subtitles than I would several westerns themeselves! :slight_smile:

There are auto generated Italian subs with the video - so, it would be possible for a non Italian speaker to copy these and translate them via google.

Certainly a bit of time consuming work, but it all depends how badly you want it :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Thanks Aldo, I will try to do machine translated subs.

One tip … auto subs usually don’t have punctuation - and one sentence runs into another, plus sometimes it “mishears” what’s being said. So a little caution, improvisation, or preferably an Italian friend would be advisable. Good luck.

I have machine translated them using Downsub.Com, but they are hopeless. I don’t know Italian so I can’t revise them. Sorry everyone!

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A Topic on this subject was readily created by p.pereira in 2012.

The Stracult episode was complete, and not divided into two parts as it is today.

Wow! Thats just EPIC! Gives me goosebumps.

It is indeed. I’m just gutted I can’t understand what they’re saying :slightly_frowning_face:

Great TV interview. Wish it were in subtitles of course. Also curious, what year is this from?