[A Fistful of Pasta] Latest Reviews

As part of restoring @lordradish 's A Fistful of Pasta, two Django the Bastard reviews have been archived in the SWDb. Some animated pictures are still missing, and so is Len’s account here in the SWDb. Shows you how old this website is, once you dig into the past… you find all sorts of lose ends :slight_smile:



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Back: Two more of @lordradish 's reviews from A Fistful of Pasta



and these have been there for a while, just cleaning up



and yes, in time all Fistful of Pasta articles will be preserved in the SWDb. I am on vacation this and next week, let’s see how far I can get.

And one more

Last one for today. We also sorted out the missing files problem, so all articles restored will - for the most part - also include the pictures originally used on Fistful of Pasta


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Well done amigo.
Enjoy the holiday/

Here’s the latest


@scherpschutter will help me out this weekend in filling the gaps, as a lot of his reviews are actually already on the SWDb. The Fistful of Pasta archive overview page will soon be full of links…

Still lots of work ahead, but a major piece of article is now also up on the SWDb:



An excellent listicle by @scherpschutter


Looks fantastic here

Oh, @Mickey13 is also helping out bringing some of the old AFOP reviews back, grazie!

I primarily prioritized the reviews treating of the rarer entries which did not have dedicated reviews in the database. The others will probably follow sooner or later, but these seemed like the most urgent additions for obvious reasons.

I wish we could do a similar service to Shobary’s site, that would be cool.

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does anyone have a contact to whoever ran shobary back then?

@scherpschutter on some instances (or many) you have since overhauled some of your reviews.
of April 2013 evolved into
of 2016.

Now, the question is, should we preserve and archive all reviews as they were on AFOP website 1:1 even though there may be very similar updated versions, or do we just forget about the older versions of these texts… I am a bit uncertain when it comes to this. My instinct is to build an actual archive so nothing is forgotten, but ultimately I want to respect that some authors have revisited their texts and the newer ones are the ones they want people to read?

The old FFOP admin here…

To make things easy, why not just forget about the older versions? I’d think that any revisions would likely be improvements and unless the original review is radically different, why create all the extra work for yourself? If you do, though, maybe just add a note that it’s been revised with a link to the revision. Some people might like to compare.

I’d love it if my Django review never saw the light of day, as I wrote it before I really understood the genre. There are some pretty cringy things in that one that show how little I knew about the genre at the time.

By the way, I got on a few days ago and looked at the archive site… seems like a lifetime ago, but I really enjoyed reading them. A lot of 'em made me laugh, especially the ones about the really bad ones. Since then, I’ve been teaching film studies at college, and I suspect were I to get back into this, I’d probably end up rewriting a lot of 'em. But no chance of that happening, as life is just too hectic. Plus, my web design skills are still stuck in the early part of the 2000’s.

Still grateful for all of the contributions and for y’all for keeping it alive.


great to hear from ya, amigo!
We can of course ditch texts that their authors don’t deem readworthy anymore. No need to preserve what shouldn’t be preserved. Glad you picked up on this, exactly the reason I brought it up :slight_smile: I hope that in the end we’ll at least have all those ones that are still valid be integrated into the SWDb and marked as AFOP archive articles. Credit where credit is due. I think we have done that for about 20% so far… no exact count

The Django one is the only one I am embarrassed about.

Another twenty have been uploaded to our database.

We will pass over that one, no worries.

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Thanks for keeping up with this project, Micks!

No problem, seeing all those low-res VHS screenshots and revisiting those old reviews sure brings back memories, such a nice little trip down the memory lane.

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The lion’s share of the AFoP archive has been uploaded to our database, I might tweak the layouts here and there, but the work appears to be done for the most part.

With the exception of two reviews for Black Jack and El Puro, all of scherp’s AFoP reviews seem to be merely earlier versions of what would subsequently constitute dedicated SWDb reviews, so I fail to see a point in including those unless scherp specifically says so.


Yea we can link those and put a small text below that they’re updates…
Thanks for all this work, this is amazing

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This is a good idea actually. I will apply myself to the task next week, hopefully I will be able to do it in one go. Maybe I will be able to do something tomorrow as well.