I Just Bought … (Non-SW Shopping Diary)

Never was interested in this one Carpenter, but I guess now is the time.

I suppose it’s not that bad. It is Carpy. But I’m just not a big fan of Chevy Chase. That spoils the entire affair for me.

Snagged the gnostic classic, Dark City, on blu for a mere $3

Went out hoping to get the newly released Buffalo '66 blu, but I guess the shop shelves have yet managed to avoid being ensnared by this hipster beauty of a film.

Iron Maiden ROCK IN RIO

I’ve loved the CD for ages, and figured to finally get the DVD. I don’t watch many concert films, but Maiden is an exception.

I recently bought the extended cut of the original 1994 film Stargate on blu ray as well as a Canadian (Bi-Lingual) Pulp Fiction blu-ray/dvd set released by Alliance. I’m in awe of how many special features are on the PF blu-ray. They really went all out. Fiction Pulpeuse :slight_smile:

How’s the extended cut of Stargate compare to the theatrical?

Not sure; I haven’t watched it yet and I hadn’t seen it in a few years but IMDB says it adds 8 or 9 minutes onto the film.

Haven’t seen it, but my brother has and his opinion is that it improves the characters and clears up some of the initial plotting - so a worthwhile cut, although as he is a fan of all things Stargate, his view can only be taken to a certain extent.

I like the original film but not a fan of the television stuff… I just can’t ever get into these new TV sci-fi shows

I can’t, either. I used to really like them, but nowadays they leave me cold.

Picked up Maniac Cop 2 on vhs because why not for $0.50 ;D
Also grabbed the Big Guns collection by PopFlix. Really wish they had the other sets there too though. Darn you Safeway! >:(

Picked up Maniac Cop 2 on vhs because why not for $0.50 ;D

That’s a steal for fifty cents! Good find.

Great! I think someone was dumping theircopy after they got the BU upgrade :stuck_out_tongue:

I think the MANIAC COP films are goofy film, but I’ve yet to upgrade. Maybe someday…

Just ordered these upgrades from DVD to blu-ray:

Never have been a fan of SILVERADO (and yes, I know I’m in the minority).

THE QUICK AND THE DEAD is goofy fun, though.

Yesterday I got Terminator 2 and Total Recall (original) on blu ray…the “total rekall” edition is great…it has a new half hour interview with Paul Verhoeven where he talks about Total Recall, Robocop, Starship Troopers etc.

Cross of Iron featuring my one of my favorite actors, James Coburn.

Escape from New York (blu)
Videodrome Criterion
Cosmopolis (blu)
Antiviral (blu)
Re-Animator (blu)
The Nightmare on Elm Street collection

That’s a pretty good movie. I’ve always enjoyed it.

Duke: You picked up some good movies, too. Are you a big fan of Freddy?