Your net experiences

:smiley: Ha Ha ;D LOL :wink: LAWL


I hate looking up a movie I enjoy on IMDB because usually I’ll look at the message boards and there are always TONS of people just completely shitting on everything about the movie…that shit gets annoying…it gets to where I dont even want to look just because theres so much negativity there

The only other forums I post in are the IMDB (but generally, I prefere posting reviews on there) ones. Most of the users are a bunch of f*ing aholes, but it can be quite fun arguing with morons over the merits of “The Searchers”.

I’ve gotten to the point where if there are a lot of negative reviews that are all worded a certain way, I can generally conclude that I will like the film

Hear-hear, amigo!
I agree!

i know exactly what u mean

This was my first forum. Tried my hand at the Sergio Leone web board but that place was the shits. bunch of ridiculusly large avatars or image signatures and too confined topic. Very little interest. Recently started to post again at Love lock and load under the name Fabio. Seems like a good place. Only wish Yodlaf would come back to me…er…us! But this place is very boss.

Wide variety of everything. Young (ahem myself, …oh, and Rififii and what’s is name, doesn’t talk much, well, he talks a lot. Silence!)

And old, (everybody besides me! and…those other two guys.)

You see! This is the place where we can call each other Idiots and feel good about it. Because thats his name!

And I can put on like I’m a big shitheel but we’ll only take it as the normal lighthearted kidding.

Together, were unstoppable!

Happy to read your thoughts, everyone.

As for the “fights” here… believe me, the “fights” here are the equivalent of peace time elsewhere.

Except when a certain member gatecrashes the forum, like he did a few months ago…

I’m used to the supporters forum of my club, and that’s a different piece of cake.

Just curious, anybody here interested in 8mm films?
(SW of course)

If it’s SW, I’m interested in it!

I’ve started participating in the thread. Pretty knowledgeable people with minimal flaming.

I also participate in the imdb boards but as John Welles says, alot of negativity and people being dicks.
Most forums that I’ve been on have one or two pricks that ruin it for the rest of the members but this board (at the present) is thankfully devoid of such negativity.

The best thing about this board is that you don’t actually have to discuss SW’s. As i’ve noticed, a good portion of the posts made in this forum are non SW related. So I can feel I can shoot the shit on just about any topic and not have to fear someone calling me names and such.

i think a lot of forums are dominated by younger people, and younger people tend to be very negative…

Yeah for example it seems 90 percent of the comments for youtube videos consist of “Fuck you retard!” and similar phrases. It doesn’t speak well for our society.

Remember what Rodney King said, Can’t we all just get along LOL.

Does not sound good.

I didn’t know you posted on IMDb. What is your account name and what threads did you post in?

Youtube has got to attract some of the lowest forms of intelligence on the internet… I post videos but I don’t participate in any community aspects there

I have posted a few comments here and there on YouTube; but, only among people I know (if that makes any sense).

I post comments at Youtube and post videos as well, a lot of people there are…

I post in the IMDb boards too, my username is Silence97. Have posted some ccomments too.