Your favorite avatar!

Someone’s taking his ‘teams falling out of the playoff race & fast!’ rage out on us forumites here. Made him change his avatar & everything. :wink:

Idiot, I like your new avatar but I have a question - Are you fending off vampires or flipping us off? ??? :wink: :smiley:

US, no. That is directed to…well I guess you are counted as well, to all the avatar changing madness that has taken over here. Kind of like 'Invasion Of The Avatars Snatchers’

Rev. If that is really you I am sorry. To show you how sorry I am, I’ll show you a pic of me with my gun collection…

i changed…

[quote=“I…I…Idiot, post:64, topic:1941”]Rev. If that is really you I am sorry. To show you how sorry I am, I’ll show you a pic of me with my gun collection…


Jeez that’s scary!
Is this fella just posing casually for the camera with that pistol or is he planning an instant sex change?
If it’s the sex change option he is facing a lot of hours at the electrolosis clinic!

[quote=“I…I…Idiot, post:58, topic:1941”]'and the award for the pastiest avatar goes to…drum role…Old Mother Stanwick

I’m not exactly sure what “pastiest” means, but it seems my original intention to rival Scherp’s current avatar in matter of eroticism has failed.

This lies in the eye of the beholder…

[quote=“I…I…Idiot, post:64, topic:1941”]Rev. If that is really you I am sorry. To show you how sorry I am, I’ll show you a pic of me with my gun collection…

Haha! So I reckon you looked like this when you were a bit younger - before you swapped the bountiful babes for guns and pies …

An improvement I reckon. You look so much more ‘experienced’ now.

Seven Hail Mary’s and a pint of cider when next I’m in Germany and we’ll say no more about it! :wink:


A pint, when you come to Europe (proper europe that is) learn the metric system. Allright.
And stop the changing already, please. I am too lazy to actually read your names.
And for lode its a must to go back to milian, especially when his ghost is still in your signature pic.

Pale & devoid of color (white hair, white background, white lady)

Rev, why did I not get some kind of alcoholic beverage penance :cry:

[quote=“Reverend Danite, post:69, topic:1941”]Haha! So I reckon you looked like this when you were a bit younger - before you swapped the bountiful babes for guns and pies …

An improvement I reckon. You look so much more ‘experienced’ now.[/quote]

Actually, that dude on the bottom is a complete knob. he looks like he’s in week 8 of that Survivor show (shave & get a meal!). The gun totin’ furry speeditie may actually be cooler than him.

OK. That was what I had assumed.
And that’s also the problem with this inappropriate avatar I was forced to use. The overexposed image (especially with this soft light coming from left behind) harmonises perfectly with the forum blue, so that it looks quite good. I had planned to use it only for one day, but now …

To quote the other avatar thread:
WHAT IS WITH ALL THIS AVATAR MADNESS!!! Somebody have to stop it now!!!

[quote=“Silence, post:75, topic:1941”]To quote the other avatar thread:
WHAT IS WITH ALL THIS AVATAR MADNESS!!! Somebody have to stop it now!!![/quote]
Your right Silence! This MUST stop!!

I agree!

Having said that, I quite the new one Rev

[quote=“Silence, post:75, topic:1941”]To quote the other avatar thread:
WHAT IS WITH ALL THIS AVATAR MADNESS!!! Somebody have to stop it now!!![/quote]

The forum gets self-reflexive. We are now reaching a higher level, on which only fools are still talking about SWs, the original task of this forum.

At least it fills the threads.

In the spirit of change I too have revealed my true self to the board… enjoy!