Would Jose Terron have made a good Joe in Fistful?

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  • No
  • Don’t know
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I personally would watch it and like it, but can’t speak for the public :sweat_smile:

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Jose Terron was an excellent stuntman and secondary character player, usually as a random outlaw or member of the main antagonist’s gang, but I honestly can’t see him as the Anti-Hero type.

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Kinski was an antihero in SWs a few times, of which I like him in Black Killer.

But generally the looks of both the male and female leading characters in SWs could be a significant factor for me personally. The beautiful Rosalba Neri in both Johnny Yuma and El Puro increases my appreciation of those SWs even if she didn’t play an antihero - on the contrary in the first example. On the other hand some less charismatic male antiheros a few times contribute to my lesser liking, such as in Shotgun/Vengeance Is My Forgiveness, Find A Place To Die, Duck You Sucker.