Who owns: Spaghetti westerns: cowboys and Europeans..Chris Frayling?

Hat zufällig jemand das Buch: Spaghetti westerns: cowboys and Europeans from Karl May to Sergio Leone
by Christopher Frayling

Does anybody own the book Spaghetti westerns: cowboys and Europeans from Karl May to Sergio Leone
von Christopher Frayling?

I need to know on which page he starts talkin about the different varietys of Plots in Italo-Western. (Servant of two Masters, transition, zapata)

Ich brauche die Seitenzahl von der Seite wo er über die verschiedenen Handlungsverläufe spricht. (dienser zweier herren, übergangshandlung, zapata handlung)

vielen Dank für die hilfe!

In another topic (http://www.spaghetti-western.net/forum/index.php/topic,612.0.html) ENNIOO says he owns it. Good luck with it.

Thank you!