Keep the souvenirs.
I’ll take the camera, the lenses, the magazines, the lights, and the raw stock used for Once Upon A Time In the West.
Keep the souvenirs.
I’ll take the camera, the lenses, the magazines, the lights, and the raw stock used for Once Upon A Time In the West.
I want the coat Anthony Steffen wore in Tequila. I kept staring at Anthony throughout the film and thinking “wow, that coat is so cool”. The hat would also be nice to have.
Another prop I’d like to have is Sartana’s deck of cards.
Also, give me the green dress that one lady (I don’t remember her name, sorry) wore in And God Said to Cain
I’d like to own Sartana’s pipe organ. That’s a cool toy.
I second this, although any of Sartana’s gadgets would work too. (Same goes for Sabata for that matter).
Either one of those or Steff’s small hat and dusters he seemed to have in all of his pre-1968 spaghs. Tis’ silly but memorable.
The fly that torments Jack Elam in OUTITW.
Hah, that’s be a great one! My brother who’s worked on shoots speculated that they used a real one for most of the shots and just kept its attention on him by applying honey to the face, but switched it out with a prop on a string for the final one where he catches it in his gun barrel.
Bronson’s harmonica would be the one for me. There was probably more than one used in production, in fact I’m sure there was but can’t remember why exactly. I’d be happy with any of them.
Colonel Mortimer’s musical watch from FOR A FEW DOLLARS MORE.
Magnetic fly toys were a popular item in the early 70’s … not as a OUTW tie-in of course, it flopped at the time.
I remember as a very young kid having one of these … I expect they must have been banned at some point ?
Would never have thought that you could make a toy from a fly, let alone one in the 70s.
Plastic Blue bottle fly, with a metal undercarriage … which was moved with a concealed magnet, brilliant fun! … but banned because kids were apparently popping these in their mouths and choking … can’t actually a find a photo of one online, maybe I imagined it ?
No, I remember them too
Unless we’re both imagining it?
Adding more items to my shopping list:
-Cat Stevens’ coat and hat from the Colizzi trilogy (Stupid of me not having mentioned this earlier. Of course a girl wants to borrow her man’s clothes )
-Ponchos (Django’s from Django the Bastard and obviously, Clint’s from the Dollars trilogy)
-Anthony Steffen’s black hat (think I already mentioned once, but let’s say it again)
-Music box from A Man Called Django because it plays the main theme
-The toy ball from the intro of God Forgives… I Don’t!
-The vulture from Arizona Colt and 10,000$ for a Massacre
And I want this mannequin from I Am Sartana, Your Angel of Death