What languages can you say "Hi, my name is..." in?

Another useless thread!


English: Hi, my name is Carl.
Swedish: Hej, jag heter Carl.
French: Bonjour, j’mapelle Carl.
Hungarian: Szia, A navam Carl.
Thai: Sawatdi, chau cheu Carl.
German: Guten tag, ich haisen Carl
Catalonian: Hola, meu nom este el Carl (hope I got that right!).

And the Swedish “Sjörövarspråket”… if you count that as a language:
Hohejoj, jojagog hohetoteror Carl.

[quote=“Silence, post:1, topic:2503”]Another useless thread!


French: Bonjour, j’mapelle Carl.
German: Guten tag, ich haisen Carl[/quote]

Small correction: :wink:

French: Bonjour, je m’appelle Carl.
German: Guten Tag, ich heiße Carl.

Ok thanks, and I think I got the Thai one wrong too… must have mixed it up with something.

Well, In spoken form most people say “j’mappelle”.

Spanish : Hola, me llamo Alex.

Forgive my errors:

Gutten Taug, Ich Bin Pater
Hola, mellamo Pedro

and one for Silence…
Merhaba, Benim adım Peter :wink: ;D

[quote=“korano, post:5, topic:2503”]Forgive my errors:

Gutten Taug, Ich Bin Pater
Hola, mellamo Pedro

and one for Silence…
Merhaba, Benim adım Peter :wink: ;D[/quote]
Haha ;D. Yeah I wondered what it was in Turkish!

Russian: Sdravstvuyte, menia sowut Aleksandr.

Just saying “Hi” seems difficult ;).

Well it’s more “Good Day!”, “Hi” would mean “Privet!”

Russian definitley seems like a decidedly difficult language to learn for Westerners

I can say goodbye in Russian: “PAKA” :wink:


Hi, my name is Simon

Hoi, mijn naam is Simon (Ik ben Simon)

Ciao, il mio nome è Simon (Mi chiamo Simon)

Ola, me llamo Simon

Guten tag, Ich heisse simon

Bonjour, je m’appelle Simon

Mar haban, ismie Simon
[size=14pt]مرحبا ، اسمي سيمون[/size]

Ni hao, wo jiao Simon

The people who I know on the whole only tend to Hi when they are after something from me.

G’day, my name’s Darryl. (Australian)

My name isn’t Darryl of course but if I was Australian there’s a fair chance it would be. :wink:

Isn’t it always Bruce in Australia?

Don’t they ask questions with answers in Australia?

Whats your favourite hobby sport?

Whats your name Bruce?

Whats your favourite colour blue?

According to Monty Python, yes. ;D
But from experience I found that Darryl or Brett are far more common.

Or Russel!
