What Film Are You Watching Tonight?

THE HOLLOW MAN (2000, Paul Verhoeven)

A good Verhoeven, although not one of his best

Verhoeven is known for the amount of nastiness in his movies as well as for his strong visual style
Both are present in this one: it’s a nasty piece of horror and the SFX are terrific, breathtaking
But his best work is also characterized by sardonic humour and social satire, and those are largely absent here

Still a great horror movie (with a typical overblown horror ending), but that’s about it

[quote=“scherpschutter, post:1301, topic:372”]THE HOLLOW MAN (2000, Paul Verhoeven)

A good Verhoeven, although not one of his best[/quote]

I want to see Soldier of Orange …have you seen?

Sure, but a long time ago
It’s one of those films I should see again; in Holland they released a longer version, previously shown as a TV series (from the beginning they intended to make a theatrical version ansd a longer TV version, to be shown in different parts; this is done more often in Holland and Belgium, to finance the production).
I remember it as an excellent film, but I am of course more familiar with the subject: Holland under nazi occupation
Both Rutger Hauer and Jeroen Krabbé owe a lot to Verhoeven and this film

SOLDIER OF ORANGE shows - like the recent BLACK BOOK - a different side of Verhoeven’s cinema: they’re war movies, or better: war dramas, more serious in tone than his usual mix of ultra-violence, rude sex, dark humour and social satire.
BLACK BOOK, by the way, was very good too

We’re having Dario Argento marathon with my girlfriend, so far we’ve watched:

Bird with Crystal Plumage
Cat o’ Nine Tails

I think it’s time to watch Deep red next.

[quote=“Bill san Antonio, post:1304, topic:372”]We’re having Dario Argento marathon with my girlfriend, so far we’ve watched:

Bird with Crystal Plumage
Cat o’ Nine Tails

I think it’s time to watch Deep red next.[/quote]
go with Tenebre!

Yes, nowadays i think this is the best Argento movie

[quote=“Frank Talby, post:1305, topic:372”]go with Tenebre![/quote]Maybe, maybe. It’s on the list too. Deep Red is my favorite though.
Soon I’ll run out of Argento’s, I have Four flies and Stendhal Syndrom too. Can you recommend any others? I’ve seen Inferno and Phantom of the Opera but I didn’t like 'em. I think Opera is quite regarded.

Mine too. Atmospheric and great. Perhaps the best giallo I’ve seen actually and with excellent performances. Saw Argento’s The Card Player recently and that certainly wasn’t up to speed so if you want an anti-recommendation that would be it from me.

Four Flies is a nice little giallo. Not as well made as Deep Red but it’s got all the main ingredients and is certainly worth a watch. Look out for Bud Spencer in a minor role :slight_smile:

[quote=“Søren, post:1308, topic:372”]Look out for Bud Spencer in a minor role :)[/quote]Haha. Special Guest Star: Bud Spencer as a GOD!

"If you wanna call me God, at least call me God almighty!’ ;D

[quote=“Bill san Antonio, post:1304, topic:372”]We’re having Dario Argento marathon with my girlfriend, so far we’ve watched:

Bird with Crystal Plumage
Cat o’ Nine Tails

I think it’s time to watch Deep red next.[/quote]

Deep Red for sure - probably the best giallo I’ve seen.
I found Tenebre to be quite disappointing & think that all his previous films are better - although I’ve yet to see Four Flies…

I am the opposite - I disliked Deep Red a lot. I love everything about Tenebre - John Saxon is well cast, the plot moves well, and the violence is over the top and absurd.

I’m gonna try to get my girlfriend to watch Dead Man. If this doesn’t work it’ll probably be Forrest Gump…(since we watched half of it already).

I watched Argento’s new film two days ago at the AFFF(Amsterdam Fantastic Film Festival) and could post a short review if anyone is interested :stuck_out_tongue:

I am, i’ve seen mixed reviews and i’m interested in seeing your opinion. I will probably watch it soon as well.

The Mercenary…possibly Day Of Anger as well (but I am a bit Lee Van Cleefed out at the moment).

Gonna pop in Death Sentence to finish off a review of it.

“The Fearless Vampire Killers.” Has always been a personal favorite and Sharon Tate looked absolutely wonderful in this one.

Before watching The Third Mother I’d only seen two Argento-films. Phantom of the Opera(which many people think is one of his worst) and Suspiria. I think both of them aren’t great and they both have their flaws. I do like parts of both of them very much and therefore was looking forward to seeing more of the man(his new film in the cinema for starters…).

The Third Mother has a great soundtrack. From the opening titles(beautiful pictures with the main theme) to the end a lot of it sounded great. There also is a lot of good, cool gore GORE SPOILER FOR THE THIRD MOTHER: A woman is pierced by a spear: it goes in in her vagina and out of her mouth, someone is strangled with her own intestines, there’s a sorta sewer full of rotting corpses, a head is smashed with a door(looks really oldschool and cool). END OF GORE SPOILER FOR THE THIRD MOTHER. The acting is partly also very good(Udo Kier with a great german accent, Argento is ok.) but at times also very bad(Asia’s mother for example). There was tension in the film too with thanks to the good and effective cinematography(making a scene of a woman walking up some stairs the most tense in the film) and there were some nice shock moments as well(Everyone shocked at exact the same moment xD).

Unfortunately there are some very bad points as well. Let’s start with the CGI that’s the worst I’ve seen in a while. Backgrounds look photoshopped(especially the last shot which fucking ruins the ending for me) there’s a shot of a head going through a door that looked like digital technology hasn’t moved forward since the Frighteners and there’s a shot of burning people where the flames also look very very unrealistic. The script also sucks at moments. When I watch a horror movie I don’t want a very good and deep plot, but I do like dialogue that at least tries to be ok and this film has some of the worst dialogue scenes I’ve seen. There are also some pieces of this film so ridicoulous that you can do nothing but laugh about them and that’s a pity since it takes you out of the movie(SPOILER: The people that want to be excorcised for example END OF SPOILER). The worst about this film though is that the Witch in the end turns out to be not nearly as cool or strong as we’ve been hearing the entire film and that turns the climax into something not nearly as cool and exciting as it could’ve been.

I’d reccomend this film to Italian horror-lovers since it’s entertaining and has enough good moments to make up for the bad. It could’ve been much better though with even some minor changes… 6.5/10

Watched “Killer Condom” with my girlfriend yesterday and it turned out to be a funny and enjoyable politically incorrect movie. Recommended if some likes such a crazy stuff.

I watched ‘The Black Belly Of The Tarantula’ last night.
I have to say that even though it was quite good, I was expecting a much better film. It was quite well made, with good acting all round, but lacked any real tension - and was quite dull in places.
Definitely not as good as it’s said to be…
The Morricone score, on the other hand, is excellent.