What book are you reading tonight?

A case of sour grapes, methinks. I’ve read one James M. Cain novel, The Postman Always Rings Twice, and that had passages in it worthy of Hemingway.

‘10.000 ways to die’ again, what a great book! 8)

Am reading (and looking at the pictures) in The UKULELE - A Visual History byJim Beloff.
After all that ‘poncing about’ by myself and scherpy in lordradish’s thread elsewhere, seems there was a ukulele playing fellah named Poncie Ponce…

“Poncie Ponce, one of the stars of the 1958 to 1963 TV detective show Hawaiian Eye, played the ukulele in his role as Kim, the cabdriver. A popular entertainer for years in Hawaii and the Mainland, Ponce was famous for performing “The Stars and Stripes Forever” on his Martin tenor uke with a custom-built, flip-up flag attatched to the back.”

How on earth did any of us manage until now without this little nugget of information, I ask?
Ohhh - anybody remember this show?

(You might want to crank up the volume a little):

I really don’t know. You probably saved my year …

Ha ha. It was worth gleaning just to see scherpy’s clip. That’s my ponce! And now I know how to get my dentures clean into the bargain. :wink:
I’ll have to watch more.

I have recently been getting into reading old pulps, and at the moment that means The Spider.

[quote=“Reverend Danite, post:346, topic:1204”]Ha ha. It was worth gleaning just to see scherpy’s clip. That’s my ponce! And now I know how to get my dentures clean into the bargain. :wink:
I’ll have to watch more.[/quote]

Now we have a dental furture for our denture …

(which was in doubt before)

Such excellent covers, these are.
I love old pulp covers - and have a few books on the subject in the profane library (which slightly resembles the last cover you put on ::slight_smile: ) :wink:
One of these is magnificently called Dames, Dolls & Delinquents. This is a highly recommended tome for lovers of this type of art.

Yeah, I do like that kind of racy sleaze. I’m meaning to read some of the Spicy Mystery and Spicy Detective series when I get a chance.

[quote=“TheBigSmokedown, post:350, topic:1204”]Yeah, I do like that kind of racy sleaze. I’m meaning to read some of the Spicy Mystery and Spicy Detective series when I get a chance.

Ahh yes.
Sigh This reminds me of my first date with the choirmistress. Wonderful ‘art’.

Are you a uke player yourself? I’ve taken up the instrument over the past few years, and now it’s my favorite thing to play. I was figuring out the theme to Tepepa on it the other day.

Just finished reading Jean-François Giré’s Il était une fois… le western européen, very interesting and informative book. I feel like I have a much better grip on the whole spaghetti western universe now, I also have a much bigger “To Watch” list! Kind of whetted my appetite for reading more about Sergio Leone too.

I’ll be back to reading some Stephen King, I guess, it’s bit masochistic since I don’t like him all that much. Roadwork is boring, but I’ve read half of it, I can’t back down!

Nope - I’m shit. (But not as shit as I was 3 weeks ago.)
My fingers are toughening up now, I’ve learnt a few strums and chords… and I’m on my way.

I’ve picked a song with about 2 dozen chords, 2 strums and some lyrics - it’s a bit like that tapping your head whilst rubbing your belly thing, combined with doing something else weird - but I’m determined it’ll all come together one day.

One day Tepepa :slight_smile:

Yesterday, I went to the Mells Bank Holiday Daffodil Festival, and amongst all the stalls, I picked up a sizeable collection of books:

(In order of the author’s last name)

Prestor John by John Buchan
In Cold Blood by Truman Capote
The Book of the Courtier by Baldesar Castiglione
The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins
Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison
The Beautiful and the Damned by F. Scott Fritzgerald
The Crack-Up with other pieces and stories by F. Scott Fitzgerald
The Last Tycoon by F. Scott Fitzgerald
The Letters of F. Scott Fitzgerald edited by Andrew Turnbull
The Pat Hobby Stories by F. Scott Fitzgerald
The Human Factor by Graham Greene
A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Heminway
Two Stories and a Memory by Giuseppe di Lampedusa
Ah, Wilderness and Days Without End by Eugene O’Neil
The Unquiet Grave by Palinurus (Cyril Connolly)
Three Plays (The Cherry Orchard, The Seagull, the Wood Demon) by Anton Tchehov
Fathers and Sons by Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev
Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh
Look Homeward, Angel by Thomas Wolfe
You Can’t Go Home Again by Thomas Wolfe

Any suggestions as to what I should read first?

If you haven’t read them yet I can recommend the Pat Hobby stories John. My favourite Fitzgerald by a mile and very different to anything else of his you might be familiar with. Genuinely funny.

it’s time to buy some fangoria books or the book hysteria lives based on the slasher films

DVD Delirium 4

as a fan of space opera i finally am going to read tremendous sf classic Hyperion by Dan Simmons

Rereading Jolie Blon’s Bounce by James Lee Burke, one of my favourite fiction authors.