Westerns...All'Italiana (fanzine)

Tom Bett’s latest issue of WAI can be downloaded from:


Have fun!

Thanks for the info.

Why isn’t this mag hosted at this site? Wasn’t that the intention?

Great Stuff Tom. A really enjoyable read.
It mentions on the front page that these can be downloaded direct from this site too. Is that set up yet?

[quote=“AvatarDK, post:2, topic:881”]Thanks for the info.

Why isn’t this mag hosted at this site? Wasn’t that the intention?[/quote]


WAI ON THE SWDBhttp://www.spaghetti-western.net/index.php/Westerns…_All%27Italiana!

it took me some time, because I was busy with other things, and Tom hasn’t gotten back to me by email…

Sorry, I e-mailed Sebastian the Ferdinando Baldi issue.

I’ll forward it and issue #70 again today.

[quote=“Sebastian, post:4, topic:881”]uhm…


it took me some time, because I was busy with other things, and Tom hasn’t gotten back to me by email…[/quote]
Great :slight_smile:

That was 35 pages well worth reading. I particularly enjoyed the section on the poster art being lifted straight from 1950s western novel covers. Very interesting. I’ll be keeping an eye out for that stuff in future.

Great read :).

Yes, definitely. I’ve read something about a website that is about to be established containing all the old issues of WAI. I’ve seen it somewhere on SW web baord but now i can’t seem to find it.

Excellent news ;D.

Uh, I want those too. Do post that link when you find it again alk0 !!

I was wrong i saw this information in WAI #70. Web adress of blog of someone responsible for this archive is given ([url]http://gunsmudblood.blogspot.com/[/url]), but it’s not working.

well I plan to make evertying available on swdb with tom’s help if that’s possible. it might even be smart to instead of linking to pdfs, make the content REALLY available, and turn all names and such into wiki links, include the pictures and so forth, that would rock, like

[[WAI Nr 70|Issue 70 Fulltext]] (alternative:Download PDF)

[quote=“Sebastian, post:13, topic:881”]well I plan to make evertying available on swdb with tom’s help if that’s possible. it might even be smart to instead of linking to pdfs, make the content REALLY available, and turn all names and such into wiki links, include the pictures and so forth, that would rock, like

[[WAI Nr 70|Issue 70 Fulltext]] (alternative:Download PDF)[/quote]
Sounds incredible. You plan to do that with all the older issues as well?

[quote=“Sebastian, post:13, topic:881”]well I plan to make evertying available on swdb with tom’s help if that’s possible. it might even be smart to instead of linking to pdfs, make the content REALLY available, and turn all names and such into wiki links, include the pictures and so forth, that would rock, like

[[WAI Nr 70|Issue 70 Fulltext]] (alternative:Download PDF)[/quote]
As long as a PDF-download would still be possible. Honestly I would much rather print the 'zines out and read them completely offline :slight_smile:

But the HTML-version sounds like a good idea too mainly for the search facilities which would then be accessible.

[quote=“Bill san Antonio, post:1, topic:881”]Tom Bett’s latest issue of WAI can be downloaded from:


Have fun![/quote]

Great…every time i try to download it i keep getting a message that my IP address is already using the site and has downloaded a massive amount of stuff already! ??? ??? >:(

Yeah, I got the same Silver :cry:

But there is a couple of issues available here:


Only a couple though, but certainly better than nothing :slight_smile:

Thanks for that AvatarDK.
