According to IMBD, there’s a butchered 95 minute version that was shown on television in 2006. It sounds so horrible that I’m really curious to see it. Anybody have a copy?
Bumping this. Does anybody have any more information or perhaps a recording? Here’s the info from IMBD:
“Syndicated on US TV in 2006 as a 95-minute truncated version, missing almost half of its original length.”
I’m really curious to watch this.
What station in their right mind (but when do TV Station owners ever have any sense ) would want to butcher a classic film like that to almost nothing?
Almost every station in my neck of the US always shows the full uncut version or the the 166 minute cut.
I’ll admit I’m curious myself, but whether the pain of sitting through it is worth it is another subject entirely.
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Yeah, it seems difficult to imagine but I am eager to see how it would work as a shorter film and what was left in.