Looks great, good job so far.
Thank you all!
I’ll definitely add that in!
Sorry I’ve been absent for so long, I finished up the text for the Top 20. I don’t think I’ll be around for a few more months as I’ve been busy fixing up my house to sell, and this is the first day I’ve had off in a long while!
I’ll hopefully see you all in October when I’m finished and moved into my new place!
Thank you for your service.
Just 2 things I suggest to change: I think you’re missing a word “soundtrack” at the end of the first sentence and I would use “Solima’s second” instead of “Solima’s next” for Face to face since Solima’s entries are not next to each other.
Rest of the text (individual text for each entry) is great.
cool, I will also have another look later to finish the page up and then I can promote it, and send out a newsletter
Wonderful! Glad to have helped!
I’ll take a quick look and see if there’s anymore mistakes I made, thanks for the help!
I’ll have a look at it shortly, didn’t get around to it this weekend