Not necessarily. If for example only 5 people vote for KEOMA, but they put it at the top of their list and 20 people vote for OUATITW, but they put it at the bottom of their list, with a non-weighed voting system this will probably be not in favor of a ‘lesser’ score like KEOMA.
But that is not the case. No one will put Keoma in the top their list. They will add it in somewhere else in a lesser position and that lesser position will mean just as many points as the bigger scores from for example Morricone will get. If we have 30 people voting I would think that most if not all would have added The Good, the Bad and the Ugly somewhere in their Top 5 or 10. The same 30 people might very well also have added Keoma, sometimes in a good position, but often in their Top 10-20 surely. With this unweighed system Keoma will get just as good a score as The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.
I don’t know about that. I have put MASSACRE TIME in my no2 and I haven’t included OUATITW at all. The same thing can happen to other lists as well. In forums such as this where most people have done their homework on SW, lists can be a lot different from each other including some unusual ‘personal’ choices. If you do the same poll to a group of people who have seen the Leones and Django Unchained you will probably get a completely different result. In this forum, and it has been proven to other top-list threads in the past, a weighed system does justice and brings out the lesser known and more obscure films.
What obscure film do you find in the Top 20 you say?
Not including Once Upon a Time in the West at all in a Top 20 I simply cannot fathom. The only thing I remember from Massacre Time is the theme song and since it hasn’t been released on cd I haven’t listened to it extensively but hopefully someone will get it out one day.
I think Keoma actually proves my point. Keoma is in fact one of more popular titles from the 2nd tier (read: Non-Leone) and most people on this forum have seen it (many have seen it multiple times). So, it is in Top20 now with that dreadful soundtrack, while little-seen low-budget movies with great music like W Django are not even nominated.
I bet if we go to imdb and sort the nominees by number of votes there (no matter the score), we would get results very close to ours
Well, I don’t have to apologize as to why I like MASSACRE TIME score more than OUATITW. It just happens to be so. It’s a matter of taste. I don’t feel the need the follow any protocol when compiling any list of mine. I put there what I like the most and what appeals to me. If it’s politically incorrect, unorthodox, weird of whatever, I really don’t care about it. And I don’t blame people for not approving some choices of mine either.
Regarding the Top -20 you posted: To people who have seen 300+ SW in their life, none of this is lesser known or obscure. People who have seen 10 SW might regard some of the films as unknown ones.
Take a look at this list that it’s about US westerns
and you’ll see why certain ‘lesser’ know films are ranked higher than some ‘classics’.
But then take a look at the current soundtrack Top 20. Not very much different so I don’t really get your point. Not that I need to of course and you are of course entitled to vote precisely as you see fit no matter how enigmatic it may seem to me
I have no knowledge about American westerns at all so they all look obscure to me I’m afraid
That only shows your taste in music, is it that hard to believe people genuinely like the Keoma score?
Take it easy friend, I’m just doing a bit of pulling of leg here (but it is little hard to believe, yes )
We’ll see where we stand in the end. I think any poll lile this is biased towards the better known flick and a lot of folks will have a hard time separating the music from the film entirely.
Example: Savage Pampas (70mm aside) is a below average movie but the original composition is one of the most amazing pieces of music I have ever treatedy ears to Didn’t make the list. Why? Hardly anyone knows the movie…
To be fair there are probably 200 scores that could have made the list but didn’t. You made us nominate 10 scores so what did you expect
Well I made my choices for better or worse. There are plenty more I could have chosen but based on the options available I tried to choose by the entire score and avoid picking a favourite theme song. This inevitably leads to Morricone featuring heavily as he more often created multiple themes or compositions for the same films. This is why his work on something like TGTBATU stands out so much. That said, one good theme arranged well for different moods will also win out if the theme is strong enough and I voted for some like this too.
Hopefully we can do this again just for theme songs
Agreed. Would result in a totally different Top 20.
Yes! Also looking forward to that
The Good, The Bad, The Ugly is still my favourite soundtrack. Arizona Colt is very good also.
I totally understand where you’re coming from Phil. Morricone has cemented himself as the be all end all for Spaghetti Western scores. There was no possible way this list would end up with him not taking up at least the top 5 spots uninterrupted as well as another five. Only a handful of composers even come close to matching his ability and energy. And it’s because of this oversaturation of continual quality that fixes his position as top tier. The films he scored were also very powerful in the own right, which I know helped immensely in his popularity. I think the only other artist that comes close to his talents in terms of Spag’s is Bruno Nicolai, and unfortunately he didn’t get enough exposure because of the films he was stuck with (which a good number were fairly mediocre).
Film scores are a weird deal because people have a difficult time seperating the music from the film, which is something I actually had the pleasure of doing for most of these scores. Seeing as how difficult it is to get ahold of some of them on dvd, and how easy they are to nab cheaply on CD or Itunes. I was able to listen to the music on their own merits. That’s why on the list I created I included some lesser known titles, and put them so highly like L’Ira Di Dio, which had tremendously beautiful music all throughout the score and Gentleman Jo! which also included some consistently intense and beautiful music.
I didn’t submit nominations but I voted for ten on the poll. I can’t believe Any Gun Can Play wasn’t on the list.
Totally agree!
I voted, but forgot about this excellent Francesco De Masi score, which is one of my favourites…
This is what happens when there are so many excellent Spag. West. soundtracks out there, to pick from…
We can do an “alternative top 20” as well just like with the movies
I like that Idea, It’d be nice to be able to get some recognition to the other fine artists.