The Man Called Noon DVD on its way

A UK company called Odeon Entertainment, which speciliases in British productions, is set to release The Man Called Noon on disc in August. They promise a digitally restored picture, but I don’t think there are any extras.


“Richard Crenna has the charm of Gary Cooper and the punch of John Wayne” What a tagline! LOL

It was cut before.

I’ve never seen this, would it be for horsefalls maybe?

[quote=“Yodlaf Peterson, post:3, topic:2417”]It was cut before.

I’ve never seen this, would it be for horsefalls maybe?[/quote]

Probably. It’s not outrageously violent or anything like that.

Yeh…I would go for the horse falls aswell.

Remember it as a mediocre film with some good scenes and ideas

What I remember best is that I was surprised by the fact that the story resembled that of the French/Belgian comic strip XIII and the Robert Ludlum novel The Bourne Identity. I have never read the novel by Louis Lamour the film allegedly is based upon.

I’ve read it. Nothing special, like every Lamour novel I have read.