The Last Western You Watched? ver.2.0

Boss Nigger (1975) - much better than Joshua in pretty much every way, except for Fred’s outfit which was the same. Didn’t quite hit the mark for me though… suffers from looking like a bunch of 70s people often in bad outfits, and too light hearted. I would have liked a movie like this much more if it had a more serious & dark approach. When its not being comedic, everything is a bit too straightforward for me. Still a worthwhile watch for spaghetti fans.

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I really wish they’d release the Nigger Charley films!

Ya know, I had forgot about those films although I got copies a while back. I guess I have more watching ahead of me

I don’t think it would be easy to release them with those titles these days. I have not seen that one either, but my Sister in law (who black) had her Dad a T shirt made with the Boss N***** artwork on. BossNiggerPoster

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Boss Nigger was released to bluray a couple years back… they used the alternate title Boss on the front cover, reverse side had the original title. The transfer is kinda weak though… would have been greatly improved if they just did a simple levels adjustment on the picture

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13 posts were merged into an existing topic: Blaxploitation


I watched ‘The Specialist’ last night, for the first time, not knowing what to expect. With a language option of French, Italian, and partial English, I opted for the French dialogue.
First of all, I loved the clarity of the picture - absolutely stunning! The restoration job is phenomenal, and the surrounding landscape with snow-capped mountains was gorgeous to behold.

It took me a while to watch the film, because I kept re-watching scenes, just to see the difference between French, and Italian subtitles. Interesting to see the c*nt word used in the French sub-titles.

I think ‘The Specialist’ will take several viewings, before I can formulate, in my own mind, the pros/cons.
In the mean-time, I enjoyed what I saw. It is possible that, in the future, I may watch with the partial English dialogue - but I’m in no hurry to do so. From what I saw, it would probably become an irritation switching from English language, to French sub-titles.

And, as for the cast…Johnny Hallyday was adequate in the role of ‘Hud’; while Mario Adorf - as usual - stole the lime-light as the bandit, El Diablo. Glamour was added by the beautiful Sylvie Fennec, and bad girl, Francoise Fabian.

One slight disappointment is that I was expecting ‘The Specialists’ to be packaged in the same way as the recent ‘Eureka’ ‘Fistful of Dynamite’, so I was a wee bit crest-fallen when I received the ‘ordinary looking’ packaging.
All in all, though, a very worthwhile purchase.


Mine came in the cardboard slip case shown in your picture. Had you pre-ordered or purchased on release?

Hi, Phil.

I did pre-order, several weeks, beforehand.

Thinking about it, what I have received bears no resemblance to the Amazon pic that was advertised. Perchance…have I been done, by ‘Amazon’

Could be.
I pre-ordered through Eureka direct.

I think direct from ‘Eureka’ may be the best option for the next time I order.

Thank you, Phil. Happy viewing, and best wishes to both yourself, and family. Stay welll.

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My copy is the same as the photo you posted - cardboard slipcase - from Amazon.
Can you take a pic of what you received … just curious?

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My apologies, Aldo. I’m knackered. I suffer from 'M.E. (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) and it’s taking its toll at the moment

Just been out shopping, and am knackered, completely ready for bed.
Will answer your post when I am able.

Hopefully ready for ‘The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly’, on Saturday. Bring on the wine and pizza.!

In the mean-time - stay well, buddy…all the best to family, and those close…

Now for bed!!!

Sorry to hear that - rest up and take it easy.

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Although I’ve stated recently TGTBTU isn’t my top Leone, I’ve come around more and more to it over the years and a rewatch is sounding pretty good right about now. Although I still need to rewatch Duck You Sucker first maybe, and I still have yet to view the original Italian version which I picked up a bit ago in its tinted blu ray version.

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It’s not my favorite Leone film, I give that to For a Few Dollars More. A Leone marathon is in need. I plan to start with My Name is Nobody. I watched a documentary on the bonus features and Terence Hill gives a lot of insight into the making of it.
I plan on watching the Dollars films in chronological order, maybe that will help.

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If I don’t watch ‘The Good, The Bad & The Ugly’ on Saturday, I’ll watch it on May 31st - a celebration of Clint’s 90th birthday!

I first saw the film, on the BBC, Easter Monday,1976.

Blimmin’ 'eck…how the years fly!

R.I.P. Sergio, Lee and Eli.


wow, 90 years old… Clint seems to be doing pretty dang good for 90. Still making movies in recent years even

Didn’t know his birthday was may 31, just a few days after my own


That’s a brilliant idea, I might save Once Upon a Time in the West for November 3rd to celebrate Charlie Bronson’s birthday! :cowboy_hat_face::cowboy_hat_face:

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Good idea. Stock up on your favourite tipple…and have a harmonica to hand… :grinning: