The Last Movie You Watched? ver.2.0

Merely IMHO of course, but I thought Barbie was excellent. Warm, sweet, wildly original and genuinely funny in places. I bought the 4k steelbook as soon as it came out. :slightly_smiling_face:

My father-in-law hated it. Told me he walked out on it in the cinema before it had ended. :grinning:


I saw it in the cinema with friends and must say I enjoyed it


Have to agree. Thought it was very well done despite not being the usual type of film I go for. Some great performances in it :+1:

You all are forcing me to go watch something full of violence, sex, and gore just to cleanse my pallet of all this Barbie talk. :laughing:


Barbie followed by Cut Throats Nine would be an ideal double feature.


Good call! :wink:

Don’t know if it’s my cup of tea but I heard good things so I’ve been tempted to check it out.

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Watched the new severin Blu-ray of Luigi Cozzi’s “Blood on MĂ©liĂšs’ Moon” (2016)

WOW Italian genre film director Luigi Cozzi’s late style low budget masterpiece that while it will certainly not be for everyone, you can’t deny that it is a singular experience unlike any other movie!

Peak bizarre meta-cinema and one of the most unhinged movies I’ve seen this year so far! It will for sure be going straight to my favorite “new to me” discoveries list at the end of this year!


I saw Barbie alone in a cinema. Great movie. It’s hard to find movies about women these days. Still don’t know much about them Barbie toys though. I played with spinning tops when I was little. I also played YuGiOh cards when that was a thing.


Definitely. Cassandra Crossing was downright serious at times. Some of the other disaster movies have a degree of self-aware irony.

 do you think so? The 1970s was a very cheesy decade, and I doubt any laughter was intentional back in the day.

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First films of the 2024

  1. Kassila: Kaasua, komisario Palmu 10/10
  2. Pöysti: Kummituskievari 3/10
  3. Walsh: King and a For Queens 6/10
  4. Thompson: Cape Fear 6/10
  5. Wenders: Alice in den StÀdten 8/10
  6. Troell: Nybyggarna 8/10
  7. Warren: Manos the Hand of Fate 0 or 10/10
  8. Allen: Broadway Danny Rose 6/10
  9. Sirk: There’s Always Tomorrow 6/10
  10. Laurenti: Carabinieri si nasce 2/10

A fantastic triple-bill of horror last night


And, to finish the evening
this 2012 chiller.



How was The Ghoul? Bit curious bout the Boris Karloff movie.
From what I understood this movie was long lost and 2 copies exist, a Chech copy in very poor condition and an English copy which seems to be very good

The DVD of ‘The Ghoul’ I watched is a ‘Network’ release, and the picture quality and sound are excellent, considering that the film was made in 1933. I hadn’t seen it for years, so was very happy to revisit this British horror that was thought lost for many years. Boris Karloff is - as always - excellent in the title role.
I thoroughly enjoyed it. :smiley:
The disc still appears to be available to buy on ‘Amazon UK’, if you are interested; as well as a bluray, which may be a bit harder to come by now.
I hope that helps you, Wilco. :+1:

The DVD I watched, (pictured below)

The Bluray (pictured below), if you can still find it anywhere to buy.


watched “Hercules, Samson & Ulysses” (1963) on turner classic movies today!

Not quite as crazy as you would hope from the title but still it’s absolutely one of the more entertaining, off kilter, and unique Italian sword and sandal/peplum films out there!

As colorful as a silver age comic where the heroes from two separate titles first fight then team up with each other! Samson and hercules’ fight scene and then buddy bromance is too pure for this world!
The actress playing Delilah in this is shooting for the stars and i love her so much!


Liana Orfei if I remember correctly. She made several films during that sword and sandal era but I have only ever seen her in one spaghetti western, that I recall, which was Django Kills Softly. I have always been a bit fond of her myself.


Sad to say that Rodriguez’ Hypnotic is indeed a stinker.

Another Saturday night triple-bill of terror

Below: 2011’s ‘The Thing’ - a prequel to John Carpenter’s 1982 original


As usual, a Saturday night horror triple-bill

