The Last Movie You Watched? ver.2.0

Sounds like a list we need to see…


It’s similar to the SWDB list, in that it varies from time to time, but there are some immovable permanent residents.


I read a book called ‘Bad Movies We Love’ a while back. The Poseidon Adventure was in a chapter devoted to many of the disaster movies from the Seventies. Some of the other gems were Airport, '75, Cassandra Crossing, The Towering Inferno, and Earthquake. I’ve also had many movie fan friends who told me that it is pretty cheesy, lol.


Those are all quite watchable and fun/terrible … Airport 77 is a real dog, and tiresome as hell, but Airport 80: The Concorde is a work of art !!!



I’ve never seen an Airport movie. I quite like a classic disaster-'em-up (don’t care for these Roland Emmerich pics of the last 25 years or so) but I fear the almighty Airplane! has already ruined these ones for me.

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The original ‘straight’ movies are much funnier than Airplane! … Airport 75 is a particular howler, with Big Chuck Heston guiding his airhostess girlfriend to fly the 747, when all the pilots are killed in a freak accident … Chuck utters the immortal line, ‘Fly Baby, Fly!’



I remember being surprised the original Airport has such a long running time. I looked at the time almost 90 minutes in and nothing really had happened yet. It just meanders at such a leisurely pace. :rofl: I love George Kennedy’s character “Joe Patroni” (or at least the name), and of course many jokes have been made about disaster being inevitable when Dean Martin is your pilot…


A new year so have got back into my chronoligical journey through cinema.
I’m now up to 1946 and these were the first six I’ve watched so far:

It’s a Wonderful Life (Capra) 8/10
My Darling Clementine (Ford) 9/10
The Jolson Story (Green) 5/10
Great Expectations (Lean) 9/10
The Best Years of Our Lives (Wyler) 7/10
A Night in Casablanca (Mayo) 5/10

The Best Years of Our Lives was better than I remembered. Not as sentimental and actually a pretty well crafted study of the “coming home” experience of post WW2 servicemen facing the reality of a society that doesn’t value them any more and just wants to move on.

My Darling Clementine is a classic in my mind. Ford at his best and Fonda perfect as the hard man Earp with the silly knee high dance moves and the smell of flowers in his cologne.

Great Expectations is a film which has haunted me since I first saw it as a child. The cruel beauty of Estella, the creepiness of Miss Havisham’s house. The fear in Pip’s whole body when he is grabbed by the convict on the marshes. It all still resonates for me and apart from the silly victorian happy ending is almost perfect.

It’s a Wonderful Life is just another example of Capra’s skill at making a hero of the everyman and making a feel good film without making it sickly sweet. There’s a reason it has become the quintessential Christmas movie even now.

On the other hand The Jolson Story is not a film which has aged well. The black face stuff is just too uncomfortable to watch now even if it is an interesting glimpse of the mores of yesterday and the film itself is a bit ho hum.

A Night in Casablanca I’m afraid is the Marx Brothers at the end of their talents going through the motions and a poor shadow of their former greatness. A few good quips from Groucho but that’s about it.

I’ve now got half a dozen Noirs lined up which I am looking forward to. 1946 seems to have been a pretty good year.


Lol. So bad, they’re good :laughing:.


Well at least so bad they’re entertaining … ‘Cassandra Crossing’ is a movie I believe is actually half decent … and it gets rough reviews - maybe I give it more ‘Brownie points’ because of Burt Lancaster and Sophia Loren, who are almost always watchable.
‘Towering Inferno’, is not as bad as ‘The Poseidon Adventure’, but it has a similar stink of greedy stars taking the money for something they know very well is crap.

I suppose it comes down to one’s personal tolerance levels of these various ‘disasters’



“The French Sex Murders” (1972)

Humphrey Bogart lookalike actor, Robert Sacchi’s performance as more or less just Humphrey Bogart’s take on sam spade in all but name is really what makes this rather average and slap-dash Giallo film even worth checking out in the first place!

That being said there are some fun touches of flare in this and the french locations they filmed this one in are pretty neat!
Absolutely not a great Giallo by any stretch but it I dare you to say that you are not at least a tiny bit curious to check out one with a Humphrey Bogart lookalike in the inspector role!


Do The Right Thing By Spike Lee

A really good movie, perhaps Spike Lee’s best.

I’m on a bit of a Robert Aldrich kick lately and so far this is my favorite of his 50s efforts. 4 out of 5 stars.


I just got done watching that new animated “ninja turtles” movie from 2023

I mean its basically “into the spider-verse” (minus the multiverse stuff) with mutant weirdos, giant monsters, martial arts action, and neon-lighting drenched, so yeah it goes pretty hard and it was 100 percent my jam!


Quite a follow up to The French Sex Murders. :thinking:


I mean my movie watching habits go all over the place so sometimes I end up going from something like THAT to a “normal” movie like “mutant mayhem”! Its kinda how I roll LOL!


Did a Ken Russel double feature today. The Lair of the White Worm followed by The Devils. For the Devils, I watched a great looking 113 min fan edit which contains all of the cut sequences, including the infamous ‘rape of Jesus Christ scene’.

I think I maybe should’ve started with The Devils and left the much more light-hearted White Worm for afterwards haha. I always think it’s awesome to watch a film that is so well-loved and praised by film lovers and then having that moment of understanding once you finish watching it like: “I get it now”.

I’d give The Devils a 5/5, and White Worm a 4/5.


The Crimes of the Black Cat was a creepy banger. We’ll see if I have nightmares about it :rofl:


Watched Barbie the other night as the kids were keen on that movie
What a waste of time with a crap movie. Not my piece of cake. But the kids loved it so it must have something good, only I could not find it.