The Guess a Movie Screenshot Thread

Sign of amusement i guess

[quote=“Silver, post:159, topic:907”]Venus In Furs?[/quote]Right answer, Silver!

Probably another easy one…back to westerns anyway…

And for a Roof a Sky Full of Stars?

Right of course! :wink: I’m really not so good at this… :smiley:

[quote=“Silver, post:165, topic:907”]Right of course! :wink: I’m really not so good at this… :D[/quote]That was actually a damn difficult picture but I recognised the actors and used our database to find a film with both Rick Boyd and Benito Stefanelli and found the right answer. I’ll post a new picture later. I can’t do it right now…

new western pic

Damn I’m lousy at this game… Give us a hint :-[

Could be Garko in Mille dollari sul nero

You fell asleep Bill?

Reckon it is Brother stanton … cos I reckon I got this still from said film for the ‘What do you think about Garko and Hilton’ thread when I was discussing the very important subject of shirts. Same shirt …

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Yeah, the shirt looks familiar, but not the card player. Too long ago.

If so, someone else has to continue, cause I have no pics.

[quote=“stanton, post:169, topic:907”]Could be Garko in Mille dollari sul nero[/quote]Yes!

OK, I will boot this thread:

Is that a Dalek looking down at the pool? :smiley:

LOL. This might answer your question:

Can give a little hint: This picture actually sports a Danish actress in a supporting role. And YES it is a giallo.



The leading lady has a fantastic line in this one at a moment when the police are sure they’ve got the right killer and have tried to explain why. What she says is: “But why doesn’t the rest make sense” :slight_smile: A feeling I’m sure we all have had in a lot of these gialli.

Over to you Bill.

Yes, Let’s post some more picture to this stupid thread as we are ruining Seb’s forum with it ;D

Yes I’m in a destructive mood as well…

Well I’ll come with a guess: On the Third Day Arrived the Crow ?