The Guess a Movie Screenshot Thread Version 2.0

Over to you aldo.

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Thanks, LG

Isn’t it the movie where Lino Ventura thinks he is crazy or everyone else think he is crazy but in fact he is not crazy?

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Maybe ? LoL … but that could be another one his films also :wink:

Look at the actress Lino is sitting with … she’s known for a famous Tomas Milian western … and many other roles, but that might help a bit.


At first I thought it could be Le Silence but the cars look more like late 70s.

So I guess it could be Un papillon sur l’épaule

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Correct … back to you, Monsieur Diamond :wink:

Merci Aldo, the next one is a noir with a famous SW star.

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I’d know that nose anywhere! :wink: … but I’ll leave it for someone else to crack the mystery.

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Don’t know the film but the guy in the second pic looks like John Payne if that helps anyone

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‘Kansas City Confidential’ (1952)?

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Well done! Out of curiosity, did you recognize both actors?

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Thank you, Diamond.

Well, I recognised a very young Lee Van Cleef straight away. However, I couldn’t remember the name of the other actor until Phil H mentioned that it was John Payne…so thanks Phil.

Okay, let’s try this one…



‘Phantom of the Rue Morgue’ (1954) ?

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That’s the correct answer, Aldo. Well done.

Over to you now…

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Thank you, Toscano


Another couple of pics, which should settle this … location fans will know the place very well.

I will be offline for most of the day, so if someone nails this and feels 100% sure
about their answer … then far be it from me to halt this quizzing juggernaut - please feel free to continue in my absence.


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Looks like Tepepa but I am not sure.

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Correct … it’s all yours, Diamond.

Thanks Aldo. That is a great movie.
