Not that one, Aldo.
Some more pics from this French film…
Un nommé La Rocca aka Quello che spara per primo?
‘A Night to Remember’ (1958)
Yep, that’s the one of course, @Toscano
Perhaps unsurprisingly I prefer this one to James Cameron’s blockbuster four decades later.
There are no unnecessary subplots and much is made of the actions (or lack of) of the SS Californian. Also features the late David McCallum as junior wireless officer Harold Bride.
Back to you.
Thank you, Montero…
You have just echoed my thoughts exactly. ‘A Night to Remember’ has always been one of my favourite films, and I find it immensely watchable, poignant, and straight to the point - especially when compared to the unnecessary drama-queen antics of ‘Titanic’ (1997).
Anyway, back to business…
Food of the Gods (1976) ?
I love that film!
Thank you, Toscano.
Here’s one that may cause some difficulty, … or not !!!
‘Lady Hamilton’ (1968), AKA ‘Emma Hamilton’, AKA ‘Le calde notti di Lady Hamilton’?
No diffs at all ! Well done, Sir … I doff my oversized 18th Century hat to thee
Johnny West (1965) with Dick Palmer … no one’s idea of a leading man.
Correct, Aldo…well done, and back to you…
Thank you, Toscano.
Not sure if we’ve had this before … (my memory ain’t what it used to be! ) but if we have, that should make it easier to identify?
So, we have 3 well known character actors who appear in loads of British films of the 50s and 60s.
‘The 7th Dawn’ (1964)?
Very quick, and accurate! Back to you, Toscano
Thank you, Aldo. Some good actors there - Sydney Tafler, Allan Cuthbertson, and Michael Goodliffe…
Try this one…