Texas, Adios / Texas, addio (Ferdinando Baldi, 1966)

Deffo. Blindman, The Dirty Outlaws, Johnny Hamlet, Dead Men Ride, $10000 Blood Money and Vengeance is Mine are the ones Iā€™d like to see the most. Four of the Apocalypse too without subtitles burned in would be nice as well.


Iā€™m praying that Arrow will do a double-feature with these like they did with the Ringo films


Iā€™ve been praying for exactly the same thing for a while. I wouldnā€™t be surprised, if it did happen, that it was a triple feature along with Cowards Donā€™t Pray like the Koch release from years ago. Honestly though I didnā€™t care for the latter so Iā€™d be more than made up just to see them two in one bundle.

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Texas, addio has been updated to the new layout (3.0). Let us know if you can add anything: pictures, posters, trivia, facts, figures, links, etcā€¦

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Give your rating for Texas Adios. New poll is open for this one on the original post at the top of the page. :arrow_up: :+1: :cowboy_hat_face:

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Keep forgetting I have this one as itā€™s hidden away in my Arrow set of Django.
Very much enjoyed revisiting it, even the highly ridiculed opening sequence. This is probably my all-time favourite film.
Well not really, but itā€™s pretty good.


Love the opening sequenceā€¦ love everything about this film, actually.


Which part exactly is it that gets a lot of ridicule? The shootout under the opening credits? The way to Mexico? The scene in the cantina?

For me this film has a lot in it that I love about the genre. Great locations, fine music, cool dusty costumes, sweaty faces, a certain gothic feel with a dash of tragedy thrown into the mix, peak Nero, the main bad guy playing organā€¦ Even though the direction is not the flashiest, and you can see plot twists coming from a mile away, I canā€™t help but love this film.


I enjoy this film a lot too. Not sure why it gets thrown down to the far bottom of many lists. Not a top tier one by any means but I donā€™t understand how some people things its awful trash. Lots of great stuff to like here imo.

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Yeah I think itā€™s this. Iā€™m sure the openingā€™s biggest fan @stanton can fill us in :wink:

The opening sequence reminds me of those boring stuntman shows you see at the western villages in Almeria ā€¦ great fun if youā€™re no older than 8 years.

Thereā€™s no real direction, itā€™s two fellas running around a deserted set playing cowboy!

I wasnā€™t a great fan of the movie until watching the Blu Ray, which makes a world of difference ā€¦ the story isnā€™t anything to write home about, but the overall style and look as mentioned are great ā€¦ and the punch up scenes are epic ā€¦ quite brilliant in contrast to the embarrassing beginning.



To be honest, I never really scrutinised that sequence because itā€™s just the opening credits. If youā€™re very lucky you get Lardani or something like OUATIW, but more often than not youā€™ll get long shots of someone riding or just titles in front of a still shot, or even just dark letters on light background or vice versa. It never occurred to me to rate it as a sequence of the film proper, or it to have any influence on my judgement of the film.


This movie is the perfect example of a film thatā€™s bad not because it does anything particularly poorly but because it does practically nothing well, making it a slog to watch.

I re-watched it yesterday, more than 10 years after seeing it for the first time, and it left me with a similar feeling to the one I had then. As a spaghetti movie, it has enough elements to make me like it, but I donā€™t really connect with the film, among other things because I think those elements are wasted, scattered in a bad way throughout the film, and at all times I get the feeling that it lacks something that would take it away from the mediocrity into which it ends up falling.

Franco Nero, a sheriff from Texas, and his brother are looking for the man who killed their father years ago to bring him to justice. Ferdinando Baldi tells us this generic story with a bit of reluctance, giving it some melodramatic touches, almost like a soap opera, in the style of his later work ā€œForgotten Pistoleroā€ (more irregular but also more interesting). The problem is not that the plot is simple, but that it is also poorly developed (there is no conflict) and a bit more depth is missing in the construction of the characters, Baldi tell us some details but he stays on the surface (as happens with the Mexican mayor, he makes us understand that he was once a fair person and then move on to another topic).

I donā€™t know if to alleviate this and lengthen the footage a bit, they add a couple of ā€œsubplotsā€ that have nothing to do with the main plot and in which the protagonists are involved without the story having much to do with them: the one about a bounty hunter at the beginning of the film and the one about the uprising of the town against the local chieftain.

As minor drawbacks: I donā€™t really like the approach that has been given to the photography (I donā€™t know if itā€™s Barboniā€™s or Baldiā€™s thing), in which there are many open shots with a quite static camera that gives it a more old-style look (personally, I donā€™t appreciate the more dynamic style of spaghetti); And Iā€™m not convinced by Franco Neroā€™s interpretation either, although I understand that the intention is for his character to be hieratic and sparing in words, at times it seems that what happens in the film has nothing to do with him (specially at the end).

As a general rule I donā€™t like to be very demanding with spaghetti westerns, perhaps in that case there is a problem of expectations on my part, because I feel it could have been a very good spaghetti with a little more workā€¦I donā€™t know, but I think that this one in particular is quite overrated in the community.


Really? I think majority here rates this as a 3 star film or less.

Well, I thought soā€¦ hahaha

I give it 2.5 stars: in my opinion it is an entertaining film, enjoyable but also forgettable

Itā€™s okay. The opening shootout is memorable although silly to some

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