
Talk about tattoos, the ones you have or the ones you are thinking about getting later on In life.

These are the tattoos Im dying to get:

[quote=“me, post:1, topic:377”]Talk about tattoos, the ones you have or the ones you are thinking about getting later on In life.

These are the tattoos Im dying to get: [/quote]
I know the one on the right is Shaw brothers but what’s the one on the left.
I myself have my forearms totally covered with dragons on the left arm and carp on the right,i also have a scorpion on my chest.

This will answer your question:Heartagram[url][/url]

Im not a big fan of the band Him but I love the heartagram, It just sticks out.

Steve O Tattoos: Dumb Or Funny As Hell

Steve O Tattoo 1[/url]
Steve O Tattoo 2
Steve O Tattoo 3
Steve O Tattoo 4
Steve O Tattoo 5
Steve O Tattoo 6
Steve O Tattoo 7
Steve O Tattoo 8
Steve O Tattoo 9
[url=]Steve O Tattoo 10[url] - Desculpe-nos, página não encontrada

Hee hee - The things you have to do to reopen an old thread…
My mate’s about to open a tattoo shop and wanted to try out a few experiments. He particularly wanted to tattoo an original design (not of his own) - so he can’t ‘busk’ it, as you can with your own. To oblige I combined 2 of my favorites - melding psychedelic third-eye mumbo jumbo in the form of a Rick Griffin (after Von Dutch) eyeball, with El Puro and ‘the poison may be the cure’ dodgy Derridian (after the Greeks) philosophy.
I didn’t include the lettering after all - which is as well as “…it’s just too heavy” are the words as spoken by Robert Woods.
Deep and meaningless it most certainly is … and it’s on my arm above the elbow (not my knee) …

The inspiration -

The sketch -

The tattoo -

he rev, that is a nice looking tatoo! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Nice one Rod :slight_smile:

Interesting Tattoo for sure !