Take a Hard Ride (Antonio Margheriti, 1975)

Yes, baffling. But the fact that only four Italians (and no Italian actors at all) were involved in the making of Take a Hard Ride – Margheriti, his cinematographer Riccardo Pallottini and, judging by the names, camera operator Carlo Tafani and special effects supervisor Luciano D’Achille – makes the participation of an Italian production company unlikely, I think.

Fantastic! :sweat_smile:

Yes, of course. But we need the correct countries of origin for the database.

yes the genre is not in doubt here but the production constellation…

They could have just added money to the budget, like some times Hollywood did the other way round.

Anybody checked the film itself?

But the beginning of this discussion was that it was put in the Eurowestern and hybrids section, but coming from an Italian director should be reason enough to put it back to the “real” SWs.


but who is “they”?

The Italians?
As in most sources the film is listed as Italy/USA production, we should just leave it at that.

Btw Paramount is not listed as co-producer in the credits for OuTW despite giving most if not all of the money.
But then, OUtW is officially a sole Italian film.

Several SWs were partially financed by well-known movie company United Artists.

You don’t seem to have a category for UA in the Db?

their logo is right in the beginning :slight_smile:

but the Italians who? a person, or a company? in any case, who. I just wanna know, I am not generally saying it’s not an Italian co-production, but if it is supposed to be, then for us nerds it would be great to know in howfar

we can do that, just a short matter of copy and paste, we just need to put something like [[Category:United Artists]] at the bottom of each movie entry that applies

Of course, for the release, not for the production, and also not in the Italian version.

Giusti lists Euro General (Roma) as the Italian co-producers in his Dizzionario. But to complicate things further, the film is not included in the Catalogo generale dei film italiani for 1975. So, it would seem not to be considered Italian enough by A.G.I.S

Italian Wikipedia lists Euro International as the Italian co-producer.

But perhaps they were just distributors in Italy?