Starblack (Giovanni Grimaldi, 1966)

Arr so I do, will enable, cheers.

Our prayers have been heard and good luck was on our side:

I am happy to announce here that COLOSSEO will release good old STARBLACK in first quarter of 2020 on DVD and Blu Ray. It will be a 4K Scan form original film negative. Supposed language options are German, Italian and English :slight_smile:
More information will follow soon…


Nice to hear!

From the upcoming dvd/blu ray of Colosseo Film.
Not so bad :wink:


Crisp !

Especially nice seeing spaghetti western releases of movies that haven’t made it to dvd yet either instead of just re-releases on blu-ray of what was already available on dvd. Not saying that that isn’t nice either but would rather see unreleased stuff popping up.

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I agree. I’d like to see more unreleased films.

Looks fantastic. I’m looking forward to watching this movie in nice picture quality, finally

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WOW :astonished: :open_mouth:

Just spent the last couple hours resuming my project on restoring the old DVD recording as much as possible and checked in here for a quick update… Good thing I did before getting any farther! I felt pretty bad about dropping the ball on this project but my life just took a big shit right at that time and I had to step away from basically everything.

I’m frankly amazed to see such incredible quality screenshots of this film. Very thankful to Colosseo Film for getting this sorted - I really didn’t think it would ever happen!

Looks like it was just released a few days ago, according to Amazon. Anyone pick up this blu ray yet? I will definitely be getting this one

btw, DB lists incorrect runtime of 86min. The back of the blu ray box and Amazon both list 93min


Runtime of about 93 min is correct and the quality is fantastic.
The best blu ray release in 2020 so far :slight_smile:


Yes, superb image quality! – The German title literally translates as “Django, Black God of Death” … yikes!


Mine arrived, LOVELY release! Great job Colosseo


It’s a wonderfully over the top title, but really out of context with the film’s intention - Robert Woods said that it was always intended as a children’s movie, and that it was quite successful at the time of release.
Even if it looks a bit corny compared to many tougher SWs, it still has a few nasty moments … plus, check out our hero ‘Starblack’ blowing up a bridge by standing on the explosive plunger … 6 years before Rod Steiger in ‘Fistful of Dynamite’. :smiley:


I can definitely see it as a sort of kid’s movie - I’ve always noticed this aspect. But something about that also gives it this weird character that is so different from pretty much all other spaggies, because it manages to not be all cheesed out the way kid’s movies usually are. That black mask is so ominous

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In August 1966 censors did not agree… :slightly_smiling_face:

(…) la Commissione di revisione cinematografica rileva che il film è controindicato alla sensibilità dei minori degli anni 14 per le reiterate scene di violenza e, soprattutto,

  1. la scena iniziale nella quale il protagonista viene duramente malmenato (…)
  2. la scena della violenza cui è sottoposto il protagonista presso la tomba del padre;
  3. la minaccia al bambino in forma ricattatoria per attuare il proposito di violentare la madre;
  4. la fustigazione del finto sordomuto;
  5. il coltello che si conficca nell’occhio
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1.the initial scene in which the protagonist is severely beaten.
2.the scene of violence to which the protagonist is subjected at his father’s grave;
3.the threat to the child in blackmail form to carry out the purpose of raping the mother;
4. the flogging of the fake deaf mute;
5.the knife sticking in the eye

I loved ‘rough stuff’ when I was young … didn’t get to see it very often though. :crazy_face:

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Yeah it still has all the usual spag type violence, while also somehow having a tone of a kid’s movie in several places. I’m not sure what it is exactly that gives it this character, but it seems somewhat similar to the kinds of films that would have been playing back in the 50s-60s on Saturday matinees for children in the US

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As much as I remember it, there was a strong simplicity, a too naive storytelling combined with some unexpected strong violence.But the result was more odd than convincing, and maybe also a tad boring. Less interesting than the also quite naive other Grimaldi Spag All’ombra di una Colt, and only a 4/10 on the entertainometer.

I guess the real test of this film will be watching the new pristine blu ray print and see how it comes across on a proper transfer.

For me films don’t change much in a better transfer, not in regard of a film’s quality, the kind of subjective quality which decides if a film is entertaining or not, is a masterpiece or a waste of time, or something in between. A better print just makes it more pleasant to watch, cause it all looks better.
My first experience with masterpieces like The Wild Bunch, Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid or GBU were inferior VHS pan&scan fullscreen prints, and for some years I could only watch them by such copies, yet they became already the great masterpieces they still are since then. I enjoyed it to watch these films over the years in correct aspect ratios, and with better colors, and with the ability to see more details, yet none of these films became any better by that, became a more intensive experience.
I guess I always completed in my mind what was missing in the full screen prints.

But in the end the main things which make films great are storytelling, editing, acting, the use of music (less the score itself), the camera-work, all more important than sharpness, colors or even the correct aspect ratio. Even if the last really suffers in case of full screen prints of 2,35:1 films, which really look shitty by that. And in those pan&scan copies the camera-work is definitely often marred.

Whatever, I want to see all films in the best condition, but on the other hand I do not need the best condition to see everything I need.