
no 9. Corbucci: The Mercenary (1968)
-Another re-watching from the blu ray upgrade. I think I enjoyed the film more than I have ever before. If there was no Companeros it would probably be in my top20, now I feel like there’s no room for 2 such a similar films. There’s two kinds of people, Companeros people and Mercenary people. I just happen to be Companeros-one. 8/10

Gesundheit! And get well soon!

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Between the man-flu laying me low and the Armageddon the US electorate has just plunged us into, I’ll admit: I’m in no mood for a spag. On the other hand, maybe it’s just what I need to pick me up. So, I shall persist, with a third helping of vengeance: Man, Pride & Vengeance (Bazzoni, 1967), to be exact. Yep, today it’s The-Spag-That’s-Not-A-Spag starring a lovestruck Franco Nero and a manipulative Klaus Kinski. Well, it’s either that or watch The Dead Zone (Cronenberg, 1983) on a loop, from under a blanket, weeping.

WHAT! ‘Man Flu’!!

Is this the same ‘Last Caress’ that has kept up all on our toes with weekly servings of DVD entre…?

Whatever is wrong, buddy, keep your chin up…wishing you a speedy recovery!!!

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Sincerely wishing you a quick and healthy return…by the way…when you recover …'Look out for ‘BATMAN; RETURN OF THE CAPED CRUDASDERS’. on Bluuray

I,ve just bought it…looks brill!!

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Yeah, I watched it with my son on Sunday, it’s excellent. I shall be picking it up for myself for sure, but possibly not until after Christmas now; need to concentrate on prezzies, Xmas dinner items and associated seasonal foodstuffs, etc. etc. :slight_smile:

Tonight (like everybody else):

8 Django Kill The Sorrow’s ranch made an episode from my youth springs to mind. Not many places served alcohol after midnight at that time, so we ended up at a place named Boy’s Club. My wife was not allowed. The film is beyond criticism.

9 Keoma Mixed feelings about this one. If California is arty-farty, what is to be said about this one? I’m fine with the female singer, although there is too much of her. The male singer is definitely too much. If it stays in my top 20, it’s because of the great look of the film and the beautiful ending, and in spite of the abysmal lyrics.

10 The Mercenary Great film, stays in my top 20 for sure.

Why not?

Last night: Il mercenario, tonight: Gli specialisti, oh boy, this is a tight schedule …

Spagvemberfest 2016 Number 9

The fourth and final Garko Sartana.
Still very enjoyable but weaker than the previous two. Can never make up my mind if the whole organ cannon thing is a step too far or a natural escalation of the Sartana gadgetry. Whatever, it’s fun.

Spagvemberfest 2016 Number 10

And then today’s leg of the fest will be California; a film I always remember as being the best of the Twighlights. We’ll see.


Day TEN, already! A third of the way through. How’s everyone coping? Are we all in good shape to do what we’ve already done, again, twice over? Ah, SpagvemberFest. It sorts the sane from the bloody demented, for sure.

Today I’m hitting my fourth and final slice of spag vengeance with… um, Vengeance (Margheriti,1968), my favourite movie from my selection of Spagvember films this year, sitting as it does just outside my personal spag Big 30. Took me a few goes to warm to this one - same goes for the other Margheriti favourite And God Said to Cain (1970) - but, in both cases, it just took seeing a decent copy to really open the movie up. Still, it’s been awhile since I saw either, both are due another look this month and it’s the turn of Vengeance today. Richard Harrison’s finest hour in a western? Maybe.

no. 10 Romitelli: His Name Was King (1971)
-A good example of cheapie sw of the early seventies with recycled music and footage, Kinski with bored look in small part to attract audience, lots of horse riding etc. Best thing in the film is the main theme which is well known theme outside the sw fans too as it’s been recycled in Red Dead Revolver game and Tarantino’s Django Unchained. 3/10

Cheers, ''LAST CARESS,…just since skimming thro. Bluray…managed to come to terms with cooky ‘Bat-Dance’

Released in Italy on the same day as Julio Buchs’s Quei disperati che puzzano di sudore e di morte (“Those desperate men who stink of sweat and death”), November 26, 1969, Corbucci’s rocker versus hippies versus bourgeoisie set-up Gli specialisti, shot around Cortina, approximately 150 kilometers southeast of Innsbruck, where I grew up, makes good use of the Dolomites as a wild and romantic backdrop, though to me some sequences look more like a Heimatfilm than a Western, alpine cabins and cows being featured prominently. Who cares, tonight I’ll be back in Mexico anyway: Vamos a matar, compañeros.

Tonight this

and this

In good shape I think, somewhere in between those two.


Well. Day eleven and I regret that, today, I won’t be able to squeeze a spag in. It was our anniversary a couple of days ago - not our wedding anniversary (I’d have remembered that one) but the eighth anniversary of my wife and I becoming an item - and we’ve packed the boy to his nan’s, and booked a restaurant and a hotel room for an evening of loving romance and extreme debauchery. Our dear absent @Reverend_Danite would no doubt approve. But can I take a spag with us to the hotel? Apparently not; I’ve received a resounding “NO!” on that front. Ah well, thought I’d ask.

Still, I’m not just going to flat-out miss this day; the one I was going to watch today - and which I’m now watching tomorrow as part one of a spag double-bill - is God’s Gun (Parolini, 1976), a movie I haven’t seen since the first time I looked at it over three years ago, and which if I recall correctly tells of an evil alien symbiant which attaches itself to Lee Van Cleef’s scalp, causing him to run amok. Looking forward to it already.

Wish me luck for this evening, gents. Little boy with big job to do.

See, you’re watching a lot of high-quality spags there Morgan, which I believe is key to getting through this marathon with (relative) ease. Alas, I watched most of those during last year’s SpagvemberFest and I don’t want to repeat any this year so I’m definitely on the tier 2/tier 3 fare this year but I’m still enjoying it immensely. For now. :slight_smile:

Spagvemberfest 2016 Number 11

One After the Other is one I remember as being one of Harrison’s best. A bit uneven maybe but enjoyable none the less. Will be interested to see how it matches up against Vengeance this time around. My other favourite Harrison outing.

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