Spagvemberfest 2023 - or the crows will drink our beers

Day 12:

‘The Good, the Bad and the Ugly’ (1966)

Il buono, il brutto , il cattivo, ( “The good, the ugly, the bad”)

I watched a BD version for the first time, (although I have 3 Blu ray releases, for over 4 years )

The first release has no colour problems like those to come later.

Nothing more to say about this all time classic … it’s still wonderful



Are you kidding me, amigo…it’s PERFECT! :+1: :smile:


I did see some rubbish that should have been picked up outside the monastery !!! … and the cars in a few scenes - that’s half a point off in my strict book





Day 12

Pistolero dell’Ave Maria, Il - The Spaghetti Western Database (

Hands down, one of my favorite movies in the genre. So much so that I watch it at least once a year. From start to finish, I think this is the best of Baldi’s work and and the fiery finale is something that sticks with me.

I think Luciana Paluzzi’s Anna Carrasco is a particularly fascinating character…

…and this may be Peter Martell’s best performance in the genre.


If you are going to turn Greek Mythology into a spaghetti western, then this is how it is done.


‘il Pistolero Dell’ Ave Maria’

I totally agree with your comments, LG. One of my favourite SW’s, and one that features yet another genre ‘angel’…Luciana Paluzzi.
Most people know her from the 1965 James Bond film, ‘Thunderball’…but she really shines in this ever-popular SW…


That’s one thing that has never ceased to amaze me…just how beautiful the SW ladies are…


Good to know I wasn’t the only one who was underwhelmed, lol.


That’s a tasty Cuban cigar! It’s been years since I’ve had one. But, I’ll never forget how smooth it was.


Day 12: Massacre Time (rewatch)

Watched with the audio commentary with C. Courtney Joyner and Henry Parke


Day 12. Movie no. 7. Minnesota Clay.
On the 49th anniversary of the release of this very early Corbucci. And it feels like it, more like a “regular” western than our celebrated subgenre. There are some familiar elements, too, and hey, you gotta start somewhere…


Spagvember Fest Day 12 - Film 4: In a Colt’s Shadow

Just ok for me. Nothing really stand out or memorable, but was decent enough.


Spagvember Fest Day 12 - Film 5: Dynamite Joe

Incredibly boring. The only bit I really found mildly interesting was the miniature flooding sequence. Was really hoping for a little bit more from this.


Spagvemberfest 2023
Number 2

Vengeance is Mine (Fago/1967)


Got back from China last night and am now 10 films behind.
No problem. 10 double bills over the next 18 days and I’ll be back on track.

Anyway, this rewatch just raised Vengeance is Mine quite significantly in my estimation. I remember it fondly but this time around I was actually quite blown away by it. The opening sequence is a banger and from then on it just keeps delivering. Garko and Camaso make a great pair and it’s really well directed and shot. So many great frames. Has turned into a solid 4 star film for me.


I’m totally with you on this one! I keep returning to it to try to find why some love it so much. At first I thought it was garbage. Later, I found it watchable because it is pretty unique, and it has a good quality print. And for those critics it has a plethora of allusions to other things. But imagery and allusions don’t make a great plot. If it had a really boring or bad plot I’d be done with it. But instead I find its plot okay, entertaining enough . . . and so in a year or so, I’ll be back to it.


Day 12 (film 11)

Action sequences are fine. Music is good. Dubbing is mediocre. Plot is generic.
The child character is like an even more annoying version of the boy from the classic western Shane. So that’s an accomplishment.



Three more rewatches of ones that I originally found to be lacking. And one first time watch in The Last Tomahawk.

10. Matalo Mátalo! - The Spaghetti Western Database (
Still terribly hard to sit through. Hated it on original watch, and went into this one with an open mind wanting to like it. After all Arrow had put it on beautiful brand new blu ray, giving me the strength to give it another go. I will say that it starts off promisingly, but quickly becomes a bore fest thereafter. And I just do not like a single character in it, and don’t vibe well with the direction choices. It all just feels a bit off to me and I struggle to like it even now. 2 out of 5.

11. His Name Was Holy Ghost Uomo avvisato mezzo ammazzato… Parola di Spirito Santo - The Spaghetti Western Database (
I may have been a little harsh on this one in the past, as I believe I had said that it was a bad film. I will revise that now by saying it is an ok film - just okay, nothing more. It has Garko, so that is something, and that fact alone made me enjoy it more after watching Matalo. Of course what I did not like about it initially I still do not like; ie the comedy is a little too slapstick and over the top for me and pretty unfunny. And Chris Huerta being referred to as Chicken Little is annoying. I will be positive by saying that the style of Garko is cool and the theme is fitting. Up slightly to a 2.5 out of 5.

12. This Man Can’t Die Lunghi giorni dell’odio, I - The Spaghetti Western Database (
A bit of a nothing film on first viewing, didn’t care for it strongly in either way, which is sort of worse if you ask me. Still feel little towards it after seeing it again. Guy Madison is alright. Doesn’t really have anything else going for it. I did think it was quite ugly visually, and pretty disinteresting story-wise. 2 out of 5. Unseasoned spaghetti.

13. The Last Tomahawk Letzte Mohikaner, Der - The Spaghetti Western Database (
First time watch for this early one. Found it to be quite by the book and underwhelming, but cool to see Steffen in his first western role - if not a very memorable one. It was ok, nothing special. Not too much more to say about it. 2.5 out of 5.


Spagvember Fest 2023 Day 12


Gentleman Jo…… Uccidi!…_uccidi

**** out of *****

I enjoy this Western very much, you just sit back and enjoy the adventure you’re taken on. A gambler from the East ends up in the town his estranged Union Army brother acts as lawman of. When his brother is murdered by a renegade Mexican Colonel, the gambler takes revenge. Anthony Steffen and Eduardo Fajardo are teamed up once again, and prove why they worked well with each other.

It’s quite interesting seeing Steffen clean shaven and cracking a smile here and there as the dandy Jo Reeves who proves he’s also good with a gun and good in a fight. His stealth maneuvering to slowly chip away at the gang with the hope of turning them against each other is well executed and fun to see.

Fajardo is at his wickedest as Colonel Ferrera, that near consistent teeth bearing grin adds a good bit of menace to the character. That he uses his rank to further acts of banditry makes the character all the more untrustworthy.

The Koch DVD looks pretty good, but the film could use a new restoration for Blu Ray.


Film time watching Michele Lupo’s California tonight and loved it. Dark and brooding with a fantastic score and the always likeable Giuliano Gemma!!!


Day 13

Django spara per primo - The Spaghetti Western Database (

So, our hero comes upon a bounty hunter who has murdered his father. Being a good dutiful son, he avenges his father. This could be any western ever. But then, the movie gets as spaghetti westerney as you can get as the son decides to take his dead father into town to collect the bounty for himself.

As cold and callous as this action is, I can’t help but appreciate the humor in it.

Of course, once he goes to do so, the plot thickens as he discovers that his father was actually framed by his unscrupulous business partner and then the fun kicks into high gear.

Glen Saxson is amiable enough in the lead…


…but the real fun comes with our old friend Fernando Sancho playing the comic sidekick.


And of course, we can’t forget to mention the lovely Evelyn Stewart (Ida Galli) who plays a major role in the plot.


This movie even has a surprise appearance by George Eastman in what I believe was his first movie role.

Is this a great movie? No, but it is good fun and well worth the watch.

I know we have the shiny new Plaion release that came out this summer but I got a chance to get the Australian Umbrella release earlier in the year at a very reasonable price so I went that route. While the Umbrella release only contains English subtitles, the Plaion release apparently contains English audio which is obviously a point for them. Despite that fact, the Umbrella release looks pretty dang nice (though not quite on the level of their Suspiria release) so I am happy with the purchase.

*My apologies to the late Fernando Sancho as I originally wrote “Sanchez” for some unknown reason. Sometimes my fingers and brain work independently of each other. Sometimes my brain just doesn’t work at all.


That’s nice that you noticed. I’m not a big cigar smoker, maybe one a year, if at all, but I bought a Cuban puro to celebrate the Blu-ray release of El Puro in December.