Spagvemberfest 2022 - the legend continues

DAY 26:

Manos torpes (1969) - Director: Rafael Romero Marchent - 7/10

Moody, grim and outlandish. The movie seems to be in the same vain as other experimental spags such as El Puro or Matalo, but the experimentation here predominantly appertains to its narration as opposed to some other psychedelic touches. It is true that the storytelling exhibits a rather ephemeral disposition and may seem a bit all over the place at a glance, but in the context of this film, this characteristic appears to be purposefully utilized with a view to painting the overall picture in a certain way and enduing the canvas with a very distinctive feel.

Hence, instead of the customarily balanced narration, we get the frenzied stream of a narrative characterized by broad brush strokes and a sort of narrative expressionism denoted by its rapid edits and frenetic focus, which imparts a rather stark appearance to the tout ensemble. Aside from the somewhat unremarkable soundtrack, the motion picture displays some very stylish inclinations in spite of its salient shortcomings and sets about the tale in a manner completely divergent from other genre entries. A must-see work for any seasoned spaghetti western aficionado and another film which should have been released officially by now.

Una bala marcada (1972) - Director: Juan Bosch - 6/10