Spagvemberfest 2020

I have it on my watch list for the month but been saving it so far. Expecting a lost masterpiece of course :laughing:
Maybe tomorrow…

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What copy have you found?

Day 18: Fifteen Scaffolds for a Killer

Really enjoyed this one. Like May God Forgive You… I Won’t a few days ago it is not an exceptional film but the action gallops along (pun intended) at such a pace it’s hard not to like it. There were a few moments, due to strange editing, that I was a bit lost but these were soon forgotten as another great action scene came along. Good stuff.

  1. Caiano: The Fighting Fists of Shanghai Joe
    -Wild East bluray arrived nicely for spagvember so I gave it a go. One of my lesser favorites, it’s not that good film as a whole but it’s entertaining and one I like to rewatch every now and then. 7/10

Maybe you will enjoy it, who knows. :wink:

I believe it’s an 8mm print recorded with a camcorder which has recently popped up on CG. At one point, you can apparently see somebody leaving the room to take a piss or something. I hope somebody uploads it to youtube so that all of us can admire the flick in its full glory.

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Day 18 has me going with another SW that’s making the rounds this Fest

Claudio Undari certainly had the right kind of face for villainy, and that he gets the lead role here is impressive as he was usually always a henchman or a lower tier antagonist. He definitely deserved more primary roles in the SWs but the few he did play in showed off his talent well. Jean-Louis isn’t Franco Nero, Gianni Garko, George Hilton, or any of the classic Anti-Hero or Hero leads of the genre, but he does try his best and is fair in the role of Slim.


Day 18, not quitting yet. Sei jellato Amico, hai incontrato Sacramento was my pick for tonights session. It was easy to watch, nothing special about it though. The boxing scenes are probably the only standout. What I couldn’t get was the inclusion of gospel music on it, completely out of place.


Day 18 - Mannaja a man called blade

A favourite of mine, it’s like keoma but without the crazy psychedelic elements, apart from the great cast and atmosphere the film it has very nice music, similar to Keoma but without the screeching lady. Very dark and moody effort that every fan should watch and Martino’s direction is quite stylish, peep the beginning!



Day 18

In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Colt (Bianchi / 1971 and 75)


In the forum thread for this film some years ago I said something like “quite enjoyed it, maybe my standards are slipping”. Well they must have been because this is a flat out turkey and there’s no excusing it. Apart from the poorly shot rape scene at the beginning (why is that even in it?) This would belong as a Saturday Morning Pictures feature except the average 8 year old would balk at the clunky dialogue, obvious villain reveal and unnecessary romantic bits.

In the same forum thread our oldest member Ennioo says “not Hill’s worst of the 70s”. Well that shows how far the quality of Craig’s films fell. It’s best quality for me was that it was short.


’NAVAJO JOE’ (1966)

This is one of my favourites, even though a few people (including the film’s star, the late, great, Burt Reynolds) never rated it very highly on his CV.
Directed by the legendary Sergio Corbucci, Reynolds stars as a Native American warrior, Navajo Joe, who ruthlessly and savagely, wreaks revenge on a gang of sadistic outlaws who scalped, and then massacred his loved ones.

Burt Reynolds, sporting a ‘fright wig’, may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but he does impress mightily by performing the majority, if not all, of his own stunts.
The story goes that Reynolds only initially accepted the role, because he confused Sergio Corbucci, with the ‘Spaghetti Godfather’, Sergio Leone…
Whatever the circumstances, there is plenty to enjoy in this rather blood-soaked, but engaging tale of revenge, prejudice, greed, bigotry, and ultimate redemption.

Joining the cast is beauty in the form of the divine Nicoletta Machiavelli; and villainy portrayed at it’s most wicked, by the ever-reliable Aldo Sanbrell, who plays the hate-driven leader of the ‘Scalp-hunters’. Rounding out the ensemble are Fernando Rey, Lorenzo Robledo, and Angel Alvarez.

For such a gritty, balls to the grind-stone film, an equally unforgettable score is required, and the ‘Maestro’, Ennio Morricone, does not disappoint.

All in all, ‘Navajo Joe’ may not attain the same heights as ‘The Great Silence’, or ‘Django’, but it possesses more than enough merits to warrant a look-in.



Day 19

And the Crows Will Dig Your Grave (Bosch / 1971)

This is more like it. Same year of production as yesterday’s film and by the looks of it not much more budget but a much better effort all round. And notable for a '71 film that there is no sign of any “post Trinity” influence which is always nice. I actually like both Trinity films but their success pretty much ruined most 70s Spags for me so nice that this one avoided any attempt at the comedy stuff. It’s not the greatest film, not even the greatest Craig Hill film, but it’s an enjoyable enough watch and I’ll take that at the moment.

  1. Pinzauti: Vamos a matar Sartana
    -So, after the long, anxious wait I finally saw this rarity… and what a carbage it turned out to be. Very cheaply made and amateurish film. 2/10

Also watched first 20 minutes of A Pistol for Hundred Coffins thinking here’s a film I haven’t seen for long time. Then I checked the forum and obviously I’ve watched it twice during the last 5 years. Third would be too much for such a forgettable film.


Day 19: Silver Saddle

Well, this was a change of pace from 15 Scaffolds. I loved the violence in this - with Fulci there are holes in faces not squibs on shirts. However, the cute kid storyline is awful. And that song! What were they thinking?



Hi, everyone. I just joined SWD Forum, and thought I would join the SpagvemberFest as well. On the 17th I watched Fulci’s Four of the Apocalypse. Yesterday I watched Django Kill…If You Live, Shoot! yesterday. Today I will be watching Down With Your Hands…You Scum!


Not a bad first 'fest :slight_smile:

It’s Day 19 and I’m starting to feel the burn a little so I decided to try something completely different


I hope this isn’t a cheat using a pre era SW, but I do enjoy the Winnetou film series from the snippets I’ve seen, there’s just something special to them I think. And it gives me a chance to learn a little German. Lex Barker and Pierre Brice made a fantastic team, and Mario Adorf is the always reliable snarling villain.


Thanks, Sebastian!

Day 19 - Machine gun killers


A very nice SW with a great cast (Woods and Ireland) and good atmosphere, the finale is surprisingly bloody (the hand scene is really something) and the story is interesting, the one thing this film does not have is, to me, the music. I have the same problem with the first sartana, Piccioni’s music does not fit genre, it’s probably why he would go on to score such films as the executioner of god. Anyways it is a very good western that deserves your time, although I prefered Bianchi I’d I want him dead


Excellent and often unjustly overlooked


Day 19. I must confess that I was almost quitting today. Labor week as been though and I barely had strength to keep watching the whole deal. I’m pretty sure I was snoring for a while but the intrigue seems interesting so I should re-watch it later on with the wife. She likes this crime type movie more than I do.

Great poster art BTW.