Spagvemberfest 2019

It definitely needs upgrading … a really underrated flick :smile:

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You’ll know if you’ve seen it before, as it’s got possibly the worst song/singer in all Spagwesterndom ! Thank you fellow countryman, Stephen Boyd :rofl:

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Spagvemberfest 2019 - Day 21

The Dirty Outlaws (Rossetti / 1967)


And today another disc I’ve neglected for far too long. A very solid mid-tier Spag (or more accurately above average Spag) with some lovely mud sequences and an earworm theme song. Enjoyed this one. It was actually even better than I remembered it.

I feel like I am breezing through this Spagvemberfest where others are reeling under the weight of shit films in bad prints; eyes bleeding from the sockets. I guess my theme this year was a bit namby pamby but hey, I’ve put the yards in on previous years. I deserve a break…

  1. Buchs: Bullet for Sandoval
    -Minor favorite of mine. I can’t believe threre’s still no decent dvd/bd release of this film yet. 7/10

So underrated :sob:
Would love a blu-ray release.

I love this one too. Imagine Arrow releasing this! I wish Rossetti directed at least one more spag…

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  1. Simonelli: The Magnificent Three
    -My third Simonelli film for this Spagvember. Early western comedy with somewhat tasteless jokes about crosseyed guy and the other who has wooden leg. And of course there’s the inevitable drag scene. Sigh, spagvember is getting tiresome. 3/10

21. The Desperados (1969)


American film made in Spain. Story wise it could have been a spaghetti, set in the aftermath of the civil war, starting out in the last days of the civil war with a pack of southern soldiers sacking the town St. Thomas, Kansas, pop. 1645, considerable diminished in the opening minutes of the film. Otherwise very American.


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… another I have never made it through, due mainly to young English actors getting way too excited about appearing in a western and hamming it up like a Christmas pantomime. Approach with caution :wink:

  1. Una Pistola Per Cento Bare

An example of routine spaghetting by Umberto Lenzi imo. PLL is on the revenge path, but soon enough things get more complicated. One of these complications is bunch of loonies with Fajardo in charge (sort of), other is bandits led by Piero Lulli. The portrayal of loonies is actually quite lame - they don’t speak, just laugh, scream and trying to rape and kill everyone in sight once they are on the loose! You could easily cut out the sequence with them and nothing would happen to main storyline. Everything about this spagh is just average or worse, even final twists and turns didn’t help much. I expected a lot more from Lenzi. 4/10

I agree, though interestingly I was chatting with one of the English stars of the film a couple of months ago. He was quite proud of how authentic his accent was in the film…

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Was it Christian Roberts by any chance ?

Finally was able to sit down and watch the Peter Lee Lawrence Western I Giorni della Violenza (Days of Violence).

Not a bad little film, though I was surprised at the decision to vilify the Union Army in it. Peter Lee Lawrence was perfect as a romantic lead, something I wish the SW’s explored more of. It’s a shame he died at such a young age.

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The very chap. I did a very pleasant on-stage interview with him at a convention. The subject of The Desperados didn’t come up much, mainly because I’d seen the damned thing!

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22. Land Raiders (1969)


Another American film, set in Arizona in the 1870s, the Apache wars were drawing to an end, Telly Savalas is a wealthy Arizona rancher who offers bounties for Apache scalps ($10 for male, $5 for female and $2.50 for children). A Eurowestern for sure, filmed in Spain and Hungary. And it has a Bruno Nicolai score. A grim tale, thematically different from most spaghettis. Not bad, but not particularly well-made either.


  1. Squitieri: Vengeance Trail
    -Serious low budget film about indians which is a bit rare in sw’s. Film has it’s moment’s especially in the beginning with the silent parts but towards the end it gets kinda uninteresting. Kinski eats with such an eager in many of his scenes it looks like if there were no catering in the set. :smiley: 5/10

Today: When is Sartana not Sartana? When he’s Santana! Yes, it’s Santana Killed Them All (Marchent, 1970) and very specifically NOT Sartana despite being renamed Sartana in a few territories. Hardly surprising, of course; Santana looks suspiciously like Sartana to me! Hmm…


26: ‘la più grande rapina del west’ - The Greatest Robbery in the West (1967)

Thoroughly enjoyable romp, with a mix of light hearted stuff and rougher SW nastiness.
Good cast in great form - only downside was the less than brilliant transfer, which has an English dub, but you can hear the fecking Italian dub underneath !!! Also the AR is cropped a bit … but this was the full length version.
Please, pretty please … some nice company restore this one! :wink:


  1. Long Cavalcade Of Vengeance (Tannio Boccia)

Disjointed and trashy at times, but also somehow always enjoyable, but in a good spaghetti way. In the end it almost looks like this movie was made mainly to let Richard Harrison jump all over Anita Ekberg. It’s anticlimactic as hell, if you don’t count Richard making out with Anita. 6/10


Had no idea she was in a spagh. As I’m running out of 1969-1971 films anyway, this seems the perfect anticlimax to this Spagvember.

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