Spaghetti Western location tours

Hey all,

Considering the closing of Tuco Tours’ actual tours, are there any other services that offer tours of these locations, or at least a comprehensive locations guide and how to get there? I have been planning on taking a trip to Almeria and possibly Rome as well either this summer or over the winter break.

WIth Tuco tours no longer providing tours, the best you can do is to put in some research time on the internet, as most Leone-locations are pretty well documented and charted (, for instance). What I did was to create a dossier with movie stills for comparison, maps with locations, directions, a list of lat/lon positions and I put all these lat/lon locations in my GPS. This should work getting you around in Almeria and North of Madrid. For other SW’s and Italy, it will take more effort, as there is less documentation available online.

Good luck!

In short, we can take our own Tuco Tours.

Would he have been flattered having a tour named after him?

I made a wish on Crowdwish here, wishing to take my own tours around Almeria.

At this rate it’ll get the number one vote in over two years’ time.

Here’s a new initiative