Spaghetti Western/Giallo Kissasian hard subtitle alternative?

Hey there I’m just starting my journey delving into the non Sergio Leone Spaghetti westerns for the first time and I’ve noticed that a lot of these films along with other Italian giallos etc are becoming increasingly difficult to obtain physical copies of.

Most of these films are easy to find on streaming sites but most of them are the international or edited down releases and the original Italian version of films such as The Big Gundown and Deep Red are very difficult to find online particularly with Italian subtitles for the scenes which were never dubbed into English.

Does anyone know of a Spaghetti western/giallo alternative to the excellent kissasian Asian film site which features just about every great Asian film you can think of, a lot of which are out of print and all feature burnt in or hard subtitles? This means that if you want a physical release of these films you download them and burn to a disc yourself without having to mess around with adding srt subs which can be pretty tricky?

I’m just curious what you hardcore physical media fans plan to do as a lot of these great films are probably going to disappear on DVD/blu-ray etc pretty soon so it’d be handy if someone knows of dedicated site just like kissasian so we can continue to enjoy these classic films?

Any help here would be very much appreciated?

It depends upon your location, of course, but many of the more popular titles have releases that are still widely available on DVD and Bluray. The Grindhouse Bluray release of “The Big Gundown” is available with an uncut Italian version with English subtitles, as well as the complete English version. It is true that there are some films that are very difficult to find uncut versions of or the physical copies are more expensive due to being out of print (like with the Wild East DVD releases). If you have an all-region player, more options are available. I do not know of any website like the one you linked, but many of these movies can be viewed on free sites like Youtube and there are, of course, ways to download those videos. However, like you, I do worry that distributers for these films on physical media will become scarcer, which is why it’s much better to purchase the official releases to support the rare few reliable distributers, which in turn encourages them to release more titles.


In fact the opposite is true. Never have more titles been made available in restored quality. Of course in quantitative terms we are behind the VHS era but if you consider the quality… Different ballgame