Show Your SW Soundtrack Collection!

How limited was the run? 500 copies?

Yep. According to it is limited to 500. So yes not that many copies but actually that’s the print run of most Italian
soundtracks these last few years.

I have a slight obsession with this soundtrack.


Oh wow! What’s the RCA release’s booklet like? Is is pretty plain or did they put effort into it? Also that includes eight tracks from A Minute To Kill A Second To Die correct?

I’ll take a photo for you when I get home :slight_smile:


I will venture a guess and say that it is probably pretty plain non-informational. Got a couple of those RCA-releases myself (not the one above though) and all the booklets are 4-page things all in all only containing tracklist and a couple of posters/lobby cards shown. No further text. The expanded later releases usually carry a bit more weight in that department :slight_smile:

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Nothin’ special but here ya go amigo!

[quote=“AvatarDK, post:26, topic:3010”]
I will venture a guess and say that they it is probably pretty plain non-informational.[/quote]

Venture confirmed :smile:


Thanks! I was always curious to know what that release had to offer. At least they took the time to release those tracks!

Well, I couldn’t resist framing this vinyl.


I don’t blame you…it looks great! Well done, for a fantastic job!

Francesco De Masi is the ‘man of the moment’ for me.

I’ve just bought three of the great man’s soundtracks…and…hopefully, they will arrive in the next few days from ‘All Your Music’, in America.

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As well as my earlier comments, re: your magnificent ‘framing skills’, could I please ask if the ‘Django’ LP is a collectible? For example, where did you get it from?

Also: I love the ‘coffin’ in the middle of the frame…very stylish…

Apparently, framing Vinyl is becoming the ‘in thing’…so good luck to you…

Here it is, amigo:

Ah, right! So the coffin, in the middle of the pic, is part of the L.P cover …


I’m so tempted to buy this, but will refrain, for now…I think I’ve spent too much on Blurays, CD’s etc., in the past few months…

However…oh, bugger…it does look tempting!!

Cheers for the info.

Nothing but the best…

I’ve just been looking at the inserts of this soundtrack on discogs, and it seems to be really nicely made. It’s good to see companies putting some time into their graphic design. Kind of strange though that it doesn’t include all of the music like in the 2015 GDM release.

A few additions…


A very nice selection of Spaghetti…try turning the sound on your system up loud, and introduce the neighbours to a bit of Class…:wink:

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Oh neat you got the updated Giu La Testa! What’s that last version of the main theme like? Is it worth upgrading from the earlier cinevox version?

‘Giu La Testa #6’? It’s a pretty cool version yeah, and the booklet is nice.

I think VanEyck probably thought it was the Japanese release you had which has an extra track on the second cd, but it is the Italian Cinevox-release I gather ? They seem to have identical covers. I have the same as you although in an earlier edition which had a different cover and was a digipack thingie:

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