Short barrel

Hello all, I was hoping someone can help me identify the name (etc) of a Spaghetti Western circa 1967-1968 about the use of a man armed with a SHORT BARREL revolver, it was the first film i ever watched but don’t remember the name or much of the story line. Any assistance would be most gratefully received. Thanks, Horace (in Melbourne Australia)

Can’t recall any film like that except if you mean gun like derringer in which case it could be one of the Sabata or Sartana films.

Ah, it could be One Silver Dollar where Gemma’s revolver barrel is sawn off when he’s released from prison camp.



Wow Bill… I didn’t expect anyone to have that information instantly! That’s unbelievable! I distinctly remember he had to get really close-up to use it effectively. Can you suggest where I can find the film? Thanks Horace

Bill I’ve found it on (Blood for a silver dollar) Daily Motion, absolutely FANTASTIC… so much! best regards, Horace

For anyone interested,