Shobary's Spaghetti Westerns

And I don’t like his Shoot the Living, Pray for the Dead review. His site does have great pics though. I like storing any spaghetti related stuff under my pictures.

The site is just one person’s view which is fine, but I prefer to hear different views and this is why this place is so much better for me.


everyone is entitled to his own opinion and his is not the end all be all for the genre… Thankfully I tend to agree with his ratings most of the time.

I agree with his ratings most of the time too. One exception is Django the Bastard. I like that film alot, and Shobary thinks its a pile of manure.

Didn’t know his site had been around for 10 years already

He used to post a little on this forum also, but that was over a year ago I think

Shobary is not alone. I think it stinks too. The worst Steffen ever and the direction is average at best. The photography is plain bad too.

Django! Django!
I like Steffen and this film. Mayve it’s not the best Steffen, but it’s not THAT bad.

I must stress once more that i’m not a big fan of Steffen. There are movies where he is good and i like him, some others where his not that good but still bearable, but on Django the bastard i simply can’t stand him, sorry about that.

No problem, I’m not Steffen’s cousin or something :wink:

I’ve grown to like Steffen quite a bit. I’d say he’s one of my favorite regulars now. Django the Bastard was maybe the first film I saw him in, and I wasn’t very impressed with it. I should go back and watch again, because it was one of the first spaghettis I saw outside of the more mainstream titles. From my memory though, I don’t judge Django the Bastard to be as good as its reputation, but certainly not a bad one either. Maybe I am somewhat disappointed with this one, because I was expecting a lot from it after reading the various descriptions… seems like Django the Bastard could of been much, much better with some more creative direction. In this case, it wasn’t the wooden Steffen that bothered me, but the wooden direction.

You might be right. Django the Bastard is no top class flick, but there are reviews that deliver this image, therefore some might be disappionted having watched it.

My first Steffen was Gentleman Joe. I really liked it, therefore Steffen became one of my favourites right from the start.


And i thought there was a relation, hahaha

But I personally know a couple of blokes called “Steffen” for it is a popular first name in Germany…

Garko and Steffen were the first SW stars after the better known mainstream guys (Eastwood, Van Cleef, Nero etc…), that I was exposed to when I first got started in the genre. I’ve been big fans of both of them ever since. They are about equal in my book, but I notice that Garko is much more popular and widely loved by fans of the genre. I like both of them about equally, and I like them even more than more well known guys like Nero and Terence Hill and Tomas Milian.

Some interesting stats:
I have seen 19 SW’s starring Steffen, and I like 16 of them (84 percent). But only 1 of the 16 is in my top 20 (6 percent).

I have seen 13 SW’s starring Garko (Haven’t seen Bad mans river yet), and I like 9 of them (69 percent). This is a lower ratio than Steffen. And I like nearly twice as many Steffen movies as Garko movies. However this is made up for the fact that 5 of Garko’s westerns are in my top 20 (25 percent).

I guess the story is that I like Garko for quality, and I like Steffen for Quantity. The other conclusion I draw from this is that since Steffen made so many westerns (27 at last count), even those who are not fans of him are bound to like at least one or two of his movies. Its murder by numbers.

Not sure about Nero, but I definitely like Steffen more than Hill and Milian. I actually don’t care much at all for Milian, but this may be more due to the fact I find his characters annoying most of the time. Probably the only film I dont find him annoying at least some of the time would be Django Kill. Steffen plays the ideal gunslinger for me, doesn’t talk a lot and doesn’t convey a lot of emotion- which is the same reason Eastwood was successful. Haven’t really made my mind up about Garko.

Steffen looks phony.
He has the right looks … on photos, but unfortunately not much remains on screen. And most of his films are only average.

Garko was the better actor, had much more charisma and made the better films.

[quote=“Col. Douglas Mortimer, post:35, topic:1543”]Garko and Steffen were the first SW stars after the better known mainstream guys (Eastwood, Van Cleef, Nero etc…), that I was exposed to when I first got started in the genre. I’ve been big fans of both of them ever since. They are about equal in my book, but I notice that Garko is much more popular and widely loved by fans of the genre. I like both of them about equally, and I like them even more than more well known guys like Nero and Terence Hill and Tomas Milian.

Some interesting stats:
I have seen 19 SW’s starring Steffen, and I like 16 of them (84 percent). But only 1 of the 16 is in my top 20 (6 percent).

I have seen 13 SW’s starring Garko (Haven’t seen Bad mans river yet), and I like 9 of them (69 percent). This is a lower ratio than Steffen. And I like nearly twice as many Steffen movies as Garko movies. However this is made up for the fact that 5 of Garko’s westerns are in my top 20 (25 percent).

I guess the story is that I like Garko for quality, and I like Steffen for Quantity. The other conclusion I draw from this is that since Steffen made so many westerns (27 at last count), even those who are not fans of him are bound to like at least one or two of his movies. Its murder by numbers.[/quote]

Very interesting analysis. Steffen and Garko are so different. Steffen does not always play the same type of character but most often plays the silent-type. But Garko is pretty talkative in almost all of his westerns. I’ve seen all of his. You are kinda lucky to have not seen Bad Man’s River. But almost ALL of Garko’s others I like. To me Garko is kind of the ‘anti-Steffen", meaning his performances are always stylistically very different than Mr. De Teffe’s.
For my part though, I don’t have any films by either in my top 20.
Of Steffen’s films I like Killer Kid & Gentleman Joe the best. I know, not most peoples’ favorites by him :slight_smile:

Interesting. Yeah, that’s the way it is for me too.

[quote=“Stanton, post:37, topic:1543”]Steffen looks phony.
He has the right looks … on photos, but unfortunately not much remains on screen. And most of his films are only average.

Garko was the better actor, had much more charisma and made the better films.[/quote]
Have to agree with Stanton. Garko made the better movies. Sometimes the poster with Steffen on were better as his movies.