Shane (1952)

I want to see this, very much… I hope I can do it.

Did ya like it? I heard it’s a classic, and very good.

Awesome, awesome Western. A true classic in every sense of the word.

Together with “High Noon” Shane is the best of the classical american westerns IMO.

Yep. It’s a winner.

I’ve never seen it either

Shane is a Great movie,high noon sux! :o

[quote=“JONAH HEX, post:6, topic:600”]Shane is a Great movie,high noon sux! :o[/quote]Must admit i ain’t seen either, i’ve seen Sean Connery it OUTLAND if that counts :wink: apparently it’s High Noon in space!

A film with many great scenes, but too sentimental for my taste.

And Leone has copied much from Steven’s western.

Awh, I think it’s the most over-rated western ever. Jack Palance is great villain but like Stanton said it’s soo over-sentimental and the kid in it was very annoying. Not my cup of tea.

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I agree about the kid. He’s up there with Giovanni Frezza when it comes to kids I’d like to use for target practice. Palance is always a great villain though.

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[quote=“Cian, post:10, topic:600”]I agree about the kid. He’s up there with Giovanni Frezza when it comes to kids I’d like to use for target practice. Palance is always a great villain though.[/quote]Giovanni Frezza! I can’t make up my mind if he is more annoying in HOUSE BY THE CEMETERY or THE NEW BARBARIANS!

I’ve only seen House. The fact that Frezza is in Barbarians keeps putting me off buying it.

[quote=“Sean Mallory, post:1, topic:600”]I want to see this, very much… I hope I can do it.

Did ya like it? I heard it’s a classic, and very good.[/quote] It is the pre-Leone western to see. If just for the brief screen time of Jack Palance(who should have won an Oscar). A great minimalist villain. Van Heflin and other great character actors round it out. Even Nancy Kulp(Jane Hathaway from the Beverly Hillbillies) is in it. The only drawback is Brandon DeWilde, but after subsequent viewings, you can even stand him. You can see where Leone cribbed a lot of his style from here, and maybe DeWilde is the reason Leone always killed kids in his films.[quote=“Cian, post:10, topic:600”]I agree about the kid. He’s up there with Giovanni Frezza when it comes to kids I’d like to use for target practice. Palance is always a great villain though.[/quote] Is he that brat from Fistful of Dollars? That is the most annoying child in a western, ever!

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No, thankfully Frezza never ruined an SW by appearing in it, he wasn’t born during the SW boom.

It seems Cian and I just love talking about this brat:P

It’s one of those things that’s so irritating and annoying that you just can’t get it out of your head. being able to comment on him on this forum occaisionaly is like being able to scratch a particularly bothersome itch!

Brandon DeWilde was semi-annoying in Hud, too. Must be his acting style, or a residual effect from Shane.

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You got a point here :wink: I was just amused by the fact that every time he’s mentioned the 2 of us must comment :stuck_out_tongue:

When I saw “Clint the Nevada’s Loner,” I thought the kid in that movie reminded me of Brandon DeWilde in “Shane.” - “Shane” is a classic that, at some point, has to be viewed. - I personally like the movie alot even though, in my opinion, it has a few flaws. The biggest flaw to me was the casting of Alan Ladd as Shane, not Brandon DeWilde as Joey. I always felt Ladd was too short and not as “badass” as the Shane portrayed in the book.

I’ve seen the movie many times, never read the book. I agree with you, AceHigh, about Ladd but I still love this movie. One of my all time sentimental favs (and I gererally hate sentimental shit). The thing I love most though is the cinematography. The mountain west has never looked better to me.

For those of you who hate Brandon De Wilde, don’t miss him in his spaghetti western appearace in The Desterter!