Sabata the Killer / Reza por tu alma … y muere / Arriva Sabata … (Tulio Demicheli, 1970)

I think I have to judge myself… the DVD is quite cheap.

I just ordered it… :-\

Nice one!

(-; gracias

Yes, this is an odd mix.
At the start I thought I was going to hate it. Comedy music, a stupid car chase, everything that turns me off in a western. But as the film goes on it changes mood completely and by the end is totally down beat. This makes for a better second half but something of a mess in total. I wasn’t even sure if we were going to get a roll and shoot. But of course we did.
Strange film really but not without its pleasures.

i loved alfredo mayo character

Same here but I do enjoy it when it starts off as a light romp and turns nasty as it trots along.
Which is why I’m a big fan of AND FOR A ROOF A SKYFUL OF STARS.

3,5 out of 5 for me

I very much want to see this one , but am afraid there’s too much stupid comedy.


Half comedy, half action.

Here is a comparison between the YouTube version and the correct aspect ratio:


What is the source of the print in the correct ratio then ?

It is a 91 minutes (87m 15s PAL) Italian TV version. But according to the great majority of sources the original running time was 95m.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Those sources are wrong, 91 minutes is the correct runtime.

The DB has Alfredo Santacruz as the hired hitman, Buck Garrett. He seems to me to be Spanish stuntman, coordinator, actor identified in another forum to be José Luis Chinchilla. I can not find the Spanish credits to check if he is in the crew. Neither the Italian or German have a maestro d’armi.

Patricia is identified in another topic by @JonathanCorbett as Maria Villa. Also spotted: Adolfo Thous - poker player who relinquishes his seat to Garfield along side José Riesgo, Emilio Rodriguez - villager who instigates the hanging, Guillermo Mendez - Mangosta henchman, Joaquin Parra - Garfield henchman, Rafael Vaquero - Garrett hitman, Ricardo Lillo - bank manager and the actor known as ‘Nazzareno Natale’. Has he ever appeared in an Italian only production?

I did not find Spartaco Conversi and do not know Marisa Porcel.


No, not that I know of.

What is absolutely certain is that he isn’t C.S.C. actor Nazareno Natale.

Some Internet sources (including Westerns…All’Italiana! and Cult Actors: Identified) say he’s Manuel Bermúdez ‘Boliche’ from Madrid, but judging from these pictures - one of which signed - I think that’s extremely unlikely

Maybe another case of homonymy after Antonio Prieto and Aurora Batista? This “splitting” could lead one to think that way, but it’s just a guess…


As mentioned by @JonathanCorbett in the Garringo thread, Manolita is not Rossana Rovere. She turns out to be Marisa Porcel. Here as the maid in El jardín de las delicias (1970) who convinces Antonio to drink his juice by appealling to his childhood memory of breastfeeding.

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I enjoyed this one quite a bit. It has a few flaws but overall, it’s a very entertaining spaghetti western with plenty of action.

This film’s page in the database has been updated to the new layout. We have lots of gaps here so contributions to make this entry more fully fledged are more than welcome

New review by @Meceita

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