RIP Leo Lastumäki

Actor Leo Lastumäki has died

The beloved Finnish actor Leo Lastumäki is dead. He died Saturday night January 29, 2012 at his home in Kemi, saiid Hill-Wood biographer, Sven Pahajoki. Lastumäki was 84 years old.

Lastumäki starred in a number of theaters in parts of Finland, including Pori, Imatra, Tampere, Mikkeli, Vaasa and Helsinki. On TV, Lastumäki appeared in series like Pirate Radio, ÄWPK - Älywapaa fire and Ällitälli. Lastumäki’s movies were mostly comedies, such as Spede Pasanen, Uuno Turhapuro movies including his only Euro-western “Speedy Gonzales – the Son of About Seven Brothers”. His last film role was in “Dog Nail Clipper” in 2004. Leo also appeared in the Finnish northern film “Villi Pohjola” a semi-western.

RIP :’(.

Lovable actor, I really liked him. R.I.P.

here’s some scenes from his 1974 comedy Viu-hah hah-taja