A pretty nice story and a great Piero Lulli, but apart from that a pretty lame film. De Masi’s score is just plain standard American-like western stuff.
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Database page: Dos_hombres_van_a_morir
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A pretty nice story and a great Piero Lulli, but apart from that a pretty lame film. De Masi’s score is just plain standard American-like western stuff.
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Database page: Dos_hombres_van_a_morir
0 voters
I just watched this recently but can’t really remember anything about it. so, obviously it wasn’t that good film. The ending was quite good though if I remember it correctly.
matter of taste i suppose. i think this movie is quite entertaining and has really good ideas and is ambitious, but it’s lousily executed
Watched it yesterday on TV - or better: the half and a little more. After this I was so tired that I went to bed. I found it not that entertaining…
I thought it was rather good but on the other hand I like all the westerns by the Marchent-brothers…
19 posts were merged into an existing topic: Ringo the Lone Rider / Dos hombres van a morir (Rafael Romero Marchent, 1968) II
Again, couldn’t find an appropriate thread…
A bank is robbed and a town terrorised by a gang who subsequently elude capture. The town “elders” decide the answer to the problem is to hire a Pinkerton agent. Two strangers arrive, both with an interest in the gang. Pierro Lulli, who seems to be the agent, is actually a bounty hunter and Peter Martell seems to be only interested in one member of the gang, the reason for which is revealed in an unsurprising moment at the end of the film. In fact, it’s revealed in one of the alternative titles for the film!
Despite having watched this pretty recently, I can’t actually remember that much of it! It’s not that it was a bad film, though it didn’t stand out either. The part i remember most is where the bandits murder a group of mormons who are travelling to a ranch they have purchased, then dress as them and take up residence, leading to a scene of them having a drunken, comedy brawl with the bemused/disgusted townspeople. As said, not a bad film, but it just didn’t really stick in my mind for some reason.
Wow. that is an old thread. No one has been there in nearly three years!
Oops…sorry about that…i checked again and again but still didn’t notice it! >:(
[quote=“Silver, post:10, topic:168”]Oops…sorry about that…i checked again and again but still didn’t notice it! >:([/quote]funny thing is that we both said basically same thing about this film.
So i see! LOL! I think the reason i missed the thread is that i wasn’t aware of this alternative (or is it the original?) title!
Piero Lulli’s dubbing is atrocious but the gotcha surprise ending actually was kind of an effective “gotcha” surprise.
Average spaghetti. I thought it was a little ridiculous that the bandits went out of their way to disguise themselves as Mormons and then went into a bar, completely blowing their cover.
I liked the music, recognized a few bits from Red Dead Revolver.
Watched this the other day. Okay, it did seem kind of American at times (especially the beginning,) but it had a good look to it. It’s not overly spaghetti-like but I think it’s still decent. Nothing spectacular or ground-breaking, but a good watch none the less… I’ve seen far worse!
[quote=“Sebastian, post:1, topic:168”]Dos hombres van a morir - The Spaghetti Western Database
A pretty nice story and a great Piero Lulli, but apart from that a pretty lame film. De Masi’s score is just plain standard American-like western stuff.[/quote]
I just watched it I agree on this, its average at best and I would even say dull.
And the film’s subtitle “Ringo, the one man killing machine” sure is misplaced.
Having just watched and enjoyed Two Crosses at Danger Pass recently, I decided to watch this again since both are directed by Rafael Marchent. I like this film a little bit more now than I did before. I think that Marchent’s films have a good look to them that is just different than many others… but I can’t pinpoint it. Now, the film and stories are nothing original, but they just have some appealing look to them that is no present in many other films. I can’t explain it. Anyhow, I’m really just reiterating that I don’t think this film is too bad, but it’s not very dirty spaghetti-like
The Koch DVD is almost out, but this doesn’t change anything on the films qualities. It is lame… Ein Schuss Zuviel DVD Review - The Spaghetti Western Database
I uploaded the trailer:
I just watched the excellent Koch Media Release. Unfortunately this is a lame effort to the genre. Don’t understand why they didn’t shoot the final more suspenseful. I liked the Score but it would have better fit to a US B-Western. Of course there are worse SW’s and the movie wasn’t bad but not satisfying enough.
If there would exist a golden raspberry for the worst supporting actor in a SW Paolo Herzl (or Hertz) as Kid would have won it easily. Even Fidani or Crea denied casting him. :
Funny the main villain of this movie Bad Billy Anderson is a historical character but they didn’t took care much about history.
The Title Ringo The lone Rider is a joke.