Ringo, It’s Massacre Time / Giunse Ringo e … fu tempo di massacro (Mario Pinzauti, 1970)

Know exactly what you mean :slight_smile: .

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I like that one ! Pretty cheap film, and also a bit obscure but it wasn’t boring in my eyes !

Wrote a review (Dutch) for it:

Perhaps I’ll translate it someday.

I like this one. Yes, it’s very clumsy but it’s enjoyable for what it is. Hopefully a remastered version comes out eventually.

I think the Austrailian DVD is perfectly acceptable. There’s some films that don’t exactly need a Blu Ray release lol.

I think this masterpiece deserves one. :wink:

The Felice di Stefano title-track is excellent. I’m just about ready to watch the film on youtube.

I’ve been trying to track down a copy of the LP single of the title track for about a year now with no luck. I’ve asked Beat Records if they could put me in contact with a collector and they’re yet to get back to me.

It’s frustrating, for sure. Because you know the track is out there somewhere. Probably under a different title. Or the uploader spelled something wrong.

As for the film itself, the title-track is the best thing about it. It all got confusing after that. The voodoo aspect wasn’t handled well. I give it a 3-out-of-10.

" There’s always a market for a man who shoots without thinking… and doesn’t talk about it afterwards. "

Come back Demofilo. All is Forgiven!

This movie’s page in the database has been updated. Please submit links, facts, reviews and pictures. Let us know if any information needs corrections.

I really liked this one! I found myself trying to guess who had caused the disappearance of Mike Wood (Hargitay), which is a compliment to the story. If a movie has me engaged enough with the plot from beginning to end, then the director has done his/her job well. I would definitely recommend this to anyone who hasn’t seen it.


The movie is exciting and entertaining. Of course, it’s a low-budget production, so you shouldn’t have too high expectations. Then it fits. Another gap closed.

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