Ridiculous wigs, hairstyles and facial hair in SWs

I think we’re in serious need for such a topic ;D Let’s discuss this important aspect of SWs.
Some of my faves:

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Some more:

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Oh yes. great topic.
There’ll be lots to add here. :smiley:

Ha, ha, yes Milian in Face to Face, I always asked me who got sued for this.

I think an important category here should be “Most outrageous Comb Over”. For which I would like to nominate Mr Franco Ressel. Who wore this swoop with aplomb in a number of outings.

‘Hey you, where is the nearest barber?’

This is the most important thread on the forum (until) my Shirts and Blouses one that is still to come ;).
Great images of lvc from God’s Gun and the Gordon Mitchell and Franco Russel pics are priceless. Mind you, these would also have been contenders in the Collars section of my thread.
My two …
nicked from Lordradishes site - Ty Hardin from Drummer of Vengeance sporting a deliberate wig/beard ensemble - but who was meant to fall for that!
And talking of ‘collars’, somebody should tell this young lady from Mexiwestern Guns and Guts about ‘matching collar and cuffs’ …

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Nero’s hair and sideburns in the Mercenary are pretty creative, to say the least. Kind of like something you’d see in a 70’s aftershave/cologne commercial while watching the game on tv.

And don’t forget Ty Hardin in Drummer of Vengeance. You can see his real mustache under the fake one. Granted, he’s supposed to be in disguise, but who the hell would he really fool? And that jet black wig looks like the cheap one you buy for the Halloween party:

I have a theory that I wrote about in my upcoming review of Son of Django. FMQ - Fake Mustache Quotient, in that the lower-budget the film is, the higher the amount of and faker looking the mustaches are.

You posted yours seconds before I posted mine.

Great minds and all that amigo!

True, because I was also going to say “great minds think alike”.

Nice thread!

But, I have to disagree with Nero’s look in THE MERCENARY being here.
For the standards of the time the film was made he was looking pretty stylish and he looks better there, in my opinion, than he did in say KEOMA (as BL pointed out) and definitely better than he did in CRY ONION (CIPPOLA COLT)!!

When I watched Go Away! Trinity Has Arrived in Eldorado recently, I could not help but think of the old U.K T.V series On The Buses when I saw this guy:

Unfortunately, I can’t post any pictures/screenshots. And I have mentioned this particular actor many times regarding his facial hair but, nobody had more facial hair manifestations than Benito Stefanelli.
A truly startling variety. 8)

[quote=“Romaine Fielding, post:14, topic:1051”]Unfortunately, I can’t post any pictures/screenshots. And I have mentioned this particular actor many times regarding his facial hair but, nobody had more facial hair manifestations than Benito Stefanelli.
A truly startling variety. 8)[/quote]
I can’t remember what it was (Price of Power, maybe?) , but he had some really strange sideburn/beard thing going.

Yep, good memory. That’s one of his weirder (actually to me, cooler) ones.
I think he has that “Bill San Antonio” look.

[quote=“Romaine Fielding, post:16, topic:1051”]Yep, good memory. That’s one of his weirder (actually to me, cooler) ones.
I think he has that “Bill San Antonio” look.[/quote]

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Stefanelli’s most “interesting” facial hair is in DAY OF ANGER, I believe.

Thought this chap from Trinity is Still My Name was worthy of a mention.

The hair looks like it should be a wig but he turned out to be bald as a badger under the hat.