Return of the Holy Ghost / Bada alla tua pelle, Spirito Santo! (Roberto Mauri, 1972)

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I couldn’t find a thread for this movie, one of the weirdest of all weird spaghetti westerns:

and Karis even doesn’t wear that pseudoponcho anymore
i kinda liked this one, Diego’s gang was very entertaining and added sort of Clockwork Orange riotious conduct touch to it
i didn’t like ending, although it was quite interesting, i’d prefer Karis to deal with the bandits personally (not soldiers)
anyway, if you are feeling that you have stepped into lower regions of genre, scherp, just wait for the third one

[quote=“tomas, post:2, topic:3111”]and Karis even doesn’t wear that pseudoponcho anymore
i kinda liked this one, Diego’s gang was very entertaining and added sort of Clockwork Orange riotious conduct touch to it
i didn’t like ending, although it was quite interesting, i’d prefer Karis to deal with the bandits personally (not soldiers)
anyway, if you are feeling that you have stepped into lower regions of genre, scherp, just wait for the third one[/quote]

I read that even Karis thinks the third one is rubbish
Hadn’t thought of Clockwork Orange, might have been a source of inspiration

This one’s certainly lower region budget wise, but I actually think it’s one of the better of those from the bottom

Unusually vulgar film, Diego of Habsburg is a rather interesting character but in my opinion even among “those from the bottom” this one is average at best.

It is indeed quite vulgar. And La Grande Bouffe is from '73, so can’t be blamed for it, they made up those farts themselves.

This guy looks more like a hero from a Turkish crime movie than a gunfighter from a spaghetti western, LOL.

And in the movie he’s supposed to be … Irish

Do not mind this film in the realms of bottom tier stuff, and the thing that sticks with me the most in this one is that horrible guy who picks his nose.

Just watched this. Apart from the colorful villains the film is very basic low budget western. As a sw of a 70’s there’s a dose of compulsory comedy stuff which was mostly awkward. I think the most interesting bit in the film was Spirito Santo’s relationship with his crippled brother and the ex-lover whom the brother married but this plot doesn’t go anywhere.
I don’t remember much from the first Spirito Santo film but apparently there isn’t much connection to the first one. At least this was much better than the third film in the trilogy.

Agree with the general sentiment regarding this being a decent watch for the deeper ends of the genre (or is it the shallow end?).

There wasn’t any connection, apart from the same guy with the same name. Still, the films feel very similar apart from the silliness of the bandits. The similarity can probably be chalked up to the same lead, and looking very much the same in terms of budget, location and how they are shot. And with both I like them, although have a hard time giving much reason why.

Like ENNIOO, the nose picking guy really caught my attention with how the film repeatedly cuts to him picking away.

Next up will be the third of the trilogy

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