Releases by Label (stats)

Who wants to / can help out with this idea? I want to sort of keep a scoreboard. Only BluRay and better (SD on BluRay doesn’t count), re-releases don’t count.

Number of Eurowestern titles released by label/company (HD or better):
Arrow Video 28
Kino Lorber 35
Paramount 2 - Once Upon a Time in the West, Ace High
Plaion Pictures / Koch 30
Elephant Films 6-7
Artus Films 12
Carlotta Films 3
Eureka 7 Duck You Sucker, The Sabata Trilogy, Run Man Run, The Specialists, The Great Silence
Japanese labels (King?)
Explosive Media 37
Colosseo Film
Wild East 5
Cauldron 1 - Shanghai Joe
VCI 2 - Campbell’s Kingdom, Bullet for Sandoval
88 Films 4 - Django Kill, The Mercenary, Navajo Joe, Hannie Caulder
Cult Films 3 - Django, Keoma, Bullet for the General
Signal One 2 - A Reason to Live A reason to Die, Villa Rides!
Powerhouse 2 - The Big Gundown, The Valdez Horses
Studio Canal 2 - Red Sun, Kill Them All and Come Back Alone


Do box set releases count as one release or the number of films they include?

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I wanna count films (titles)

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I believe Eureka is 7: Duck You Sucker, The Sabata Trilogy, Run Man Run, The Specialists, The Great Silence

Are you counting the new Dollars releases in that 28 for Arrow? If so, I think it should be 29


88 Films = 4 - Django Kill, The Mercenary, Navajo Joe, Hannie Caulder

Cult Films = 3 - Django, Keoma, Bullet for the General

Signal One = 2 - A Reason to Live A reason to Die, Villa Rides!

Powerhouse = 2 - The Big Gundown, The Valdez Horses

Studio Canal = 2 - Red Sun, Kill Them All and Come Back Alone

they’re not released yet are they? :wink: so no i havent, but i’d appreciate if someone were to check up on my counting

BTW the first post in this thread is a wiki post so anyone can edit it

I Want Him Dead
El Puro
Wrath of the Wind
Four of the Apocalypse
$10,000 Blood Money
Vengeance is Mine
Find a Place to Die
Massacre Time
My Name is Pecos
And God Said to Cain
If You Meet Sartana…Pray for Your Death
I am Sartana, Your Angel of Death
Sartana’s Here… Trade Your Pistols for a Coffin
Have a Good Funeral My Friend…Sartana Will Pay
Light the Fuse…Sartana is Coming
Django, Prepare a Coffin
The Grand Duel
A Pistol for Ringo
The Return of Ringo
Day of Anger
Cemetery Without Crosses
Texas Adios

That’s 26. Did I miss any?

Uh…. I just counted a second time, and I hit 28.

You missed Keoma and Lucky Luke which i think gets to 28.

But it is really 27 as Wrath of the Wind is not a western.

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that was only DVD wasn’t it?

Ah yes. Keoma was only released in the states so I forget that one

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