
When I was new to SW’s, and not knowing any better, I would pronounce Django like Dee-Jang-Go and Cjamango like See-Jamango. Anybody else did this?

Oh, and I still don’t know the proper pronounciation of “giallo”.

How could you? 5 seconds in, the song kicks in & the first word is…
Also, knowing music, there is a Django Reinhart so I already knew it.

I believe it’s gee-ah-low.

I do have trouble sometimes pronouncing the actors/directors though. That’s mostly because I usually see them on screen but never hear them spoken. And I can’t talk about this stuff with anyone I know in person.

If there is a Dee-Jango, where are A-jango, B-jango and C-jango?!

Are those the Jangos, that appear in all those Django flicks?

This would explain a lot…

Giallo is pronounced as follow:

The first sound is the G from George
This is followed by the e in he (but very, very short)
This is followed, as I…I…idiot pointed out, by ‘ah-low’ (but both sounds also rather short); the Italian ‘a’ has a brighter sound than the English ‘a’.

The word means ‘yellow’ in Italian (yellow doesn’t refer to cowardice in this language), detective novels used to have a yellow cover in Italy
(In France they had black covers, and therefore were sometimes called ‘romans noirs’ - black novels)

Django: the ‘j’ is more like the ‘y’ in yes, furthermore an Italian would never pronounce the ‘a’ of Django as the a in ‘cat’ or ‘hat’, more like the a in ‘bark’

These things are hard to describe, maybe we should ask our new member Poggy to say the words out loud on You Tube
(Poggy: the Tube is yours!)

By the way: as far as I know, it is proNUNciation

[quote=“scherpschutter, post:4, topic:1768”][
By the way: as far as I know, it is proNUNciation[/quote]
We must have the wrong spelleration :’(

I just PMd him about it!

Aaaannnd here it is:

“giallo”[url]- YouTube

Cue the obligatory “my voice sounds awful when I record it! D:”

LOL, thanks guys for that!

[quote=“poggy, post:7, topic:1768”]Aaaannnd here it is:

“giallo”[url]- YouTube

Cue the obligatory “my voice sounds awful when I record it! D:”[/quote]

On the contrary, sounds great!

[quote=“poggy, post:7, topic:1768”]Aaaannnd here it is:

“giallo”[url]- YouTube

Cue the obligatory “my voice sounds awful when I record it! D:”[/quote]
Thanks for that!

My pleasure ;D I’d tip my hat if I had one, lol!

Actually I was joking when I invited you to pronounce the word on You Tube, but I’m glad you did.

  • Fate come foste a casa vostra.
  • Spero proprio di no, a casa mia stavo malissimo.

I don’t think this is a quote from a spaghetti western, is it?

(By the way, for others, it means:

  • Do as if you were at home
  • I hope not! Mine is a very bad place. )

[quote=“poggy, post:7, topic:1768”]Aaaannnd here it is:

“giallo”[url]- YouTube

Cue the obligatory “my voice sounds awful when I record it! D:”[/quote]

Poggy, do you mind doing the same thing for “Poliziotteschi”?

You have an elegant sounding voice.

[quote=“scherpschutter, post:12, topic:1768”]Actually I was joking when I invited you to pronounce the word on You Tube, but I’m glad you did.

  • Fate come foste a casa vostra.
  • Spero proprio di no, a casa mia stavo malissimo.

I don’t think this is a quote from a spaghetti western, is it?[/quote]Lol, I actually started to explain it with a normal post, but then I realized that an audio file was just easier XD

The quote is from fistful of dollars! I don’t know if it’s the same in the English dub or if it’s one of those parts that got changed. It’s from when Miguel Rojo welcomes Clint in the house after he has shot the four Baxter men. That quote makes me snicker every time, because it’s really just Clint’s character being a smartass. He can’t help the sarcasm :smiley:

Colonel, I’m going off the interwebs now but I’ll manage to do something about it :slight_smile:

If I remember correctly, in the English dub I think Clint says something like “I never liked home that much”

Miguel says to joe:

  • Follow him (= Mario Brega) he’ll take you to your room, I want you to feel at home

Joe answers, smiling:

  • Well, I never found home that great

Lol, apparently in the Italian version he has a stronger aversion for his old place XD

And here is another audio file for the Colonel: poliziottesco, poliziotteschi[url][/url]. I feel a bit like the speaker at the train station or something ;D ;D ;D

@ poggy

A funny thing about the word ‘poliziotto’ (cop). To understand this, you must know that the word for car, auto, in Belgian dialect is pronounced as ‘otto’, and politie (police of course) as polissi. Combined the two words sound more or less like poliziotto. When my Italian once asked a student who had not been paying attention what the word meant, the student ‘woke up’ and tried to read the word :

“Eh, let me see, polissi otto, mmm, oh yes, sure: a police car”

LOL thanks Poggy. Although I still don’t think I am quite able to say those words myself. I think you have a lucrative future career as a train station announcer LOL

[quote=“Col. Douglas Mortimer, post:19, topic:1768”]I think you have a lucrative future career as a train station announcer LOL[/quote]Heh, given the economy crisis, any career is a good career nowadays :wink: