Por um Punhado de Euros - O génio de Leone, o caixão de Django e a loucura de Fidani

Parabens, @p.pereira


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Obrigado @Admin . I’ll give it a go in English as there aren’t much Portuguese readers in the forum.

The book is a compilation of some reviews that we’ve published in our blog during more than ten years. This blog intended to be a personal perspective about the genre.

We both grew up in Portalegre a small city near Spain’s border. We have spent our youth watching spaghetti westerns on Spanish TV and renting them in VHS on our local stores. One of those was called Trinità, no shit. That made us an impact for life.

When we started and even now, it was impossible to see one of those movies on national TV, now and then one is on cable but the range is limited to best known films. So the ideia was to write about it, expand our grid and make Portuguese people aware of these movies.

The materialization in book format was not an initial goal but made sence now. So there it is. We chose not to have a picture of some Leone material on our cover to ensure that mainstream readers keep their safety distance. Gordon Mitchell was a unanimous choice. Hope you like that!


Looks fantastic, Pedro.
I don’t speak Portuguese sadly but would love to buy a copy nonetheless. How can we go about buying one from outside Portugal?

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Parabens Pedro, I wish you luck.

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Great book cover!

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I don’t think the publisher will put it on Amazon. Several Portuguese and Brasilia sites will have it available and I’m pretty sure they will send abroad. The issue will be the register step I guess, none has English language option. But I still have about 30 copies in-house. I could arrange it for you.

My email is the following if anyone interested.



At least we got that right. :wink:

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For those who can understand Portuguese, we did a couple of interviews for radio/podcasts. Can be listened here:

Episódio 304 / Remake à moda do western spaghetti / À conversa com Pedro Pereira e Emanuel Neto (segundotake.com)

OCTSA 29 - Sono qui per masticare gomma e ammazzare critici… e ho giá speso tutta la gomma! — Os Críticos Também se Abatem | Podcast no Spotify

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