Petit papa bastion blu ray

Anybody purchase this blu ray?has English audio have forced french subs?

I am doing some googling to find out. It may actually be Italian instead of English, too

According to there are 2 Blue-rays:

It is not clear whether the subs are forced.

I also noticed that, I think it is either a mistake by whoever entered these versions there, or the disc has a different Product ID for Belgium (one listing is France, the other Belgium).
I did find reviews that called the other track Italian, not English, I also asked BHQC or whatever their name is on Facebook, but no reply so far

With these different’s anybody supposed to comfortably buy
Unless you know someone who’s actually bought it?

With patience :slight_smile: Until we have confirmation from someone who has the disc and can check for us. I will put a call out on our Facebook channel

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