OUATITW Arch: its state as of aug 2010

Hi Gringos, just got back from Monument Valley, where I visited what remains of the arch that is featured in Once Upon A Time In The West. And I must say, it is still very recognizable, too bad only that locals seem to be using the place as a hangout to drink beer. The place is littered with many empty beer cans…But it still is a very special place for spaghetti fans and as all the tourists drive by unknowingly in the distance, you can enjoy it completely unbotherd. It is very easy to find.
(need directions, let me know…). I’ll upload a picture shortly. Do note the weather was less than optimum…

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Great stuff

Hope I can get there one day before it is completely gone.

still cannot believe I drove past that place in 2007 not knowing it is there… damn

A few years ago I was hoping to see this place before it was gone (see earlier post)

Well, last month I made it and can happily report it is still in place. Had 3 fantastic weeks on the road in California, Arizona and Nevada but this little side excursion over the border into Utah was the highlight for me.


Still surrounded by broken beer bottles by the way but still holding up after 45 years or so.

And here’s a little panoramic shot my son took on his phone which I think looks pretty cool too.


edit. You should be able to click on the images and it will take you to photobucket to see them in larger format.

Nice one, Phil.

That’s very nice!

Years ago, I was out that way plenty of times. Never took the time to look at it. Now I’m kicking myself in the butt!

Hmmm I was just enjoying Phil’s photos and then noticed a strange fellar hiding on the side… Maybe he knows something about all those beer bottles :stuck_out_tongue:

I never knew about this. I can probably make it out there sometime since its in the US. Anyone have a link to directions for this particular location in Monument Valley?

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;D ;D ;D

Thought there were too many bottles for just one tribe. Ennioo’s presence helps it makes sense.

As for a link, I can give you a google maps one whenever you need it, mate. It’s what was sent to me and was all I needed. It is not signposted nor visible from any main road but only takes about 10 minutes of dirt track navigation and is easy to find when you know where to look.

Cool, sounds doable. Could I go ahead and get that google maps link from you so I can bookmark it?

Ha,ha…I like it :wink: .

To set this up properly in the database as a filming location, I am wondering how to “name” the location…

37.129206, -109.9735

Or should we just set up a page calling it “Utah locations” as there aren’t too many, and it could all be one neat travel guide on one page. What do you think @IllThinkAboutIt ?

@Phil_H some of the photobucket stuff you posted ages ago seems to longer available. Do you still have these picture somewhere and can re-upload?

In terms of a name, ‘Hanging Arch - Utah’ would be good. There are a few distinct locations between the arch, monument valley and Franks hideout so some separation would be good. Let me experiment with a single page with distinct sections over Christmas and see how it looks . The coding will take the same time and it would be easy to change afterwards to separate pages.

so how many are we talking about in total? If it’s just four or five all within an hour’s drive, I think we could put them all on one page with each getting a headline section… if we make separate pages, how would the others be called? One of course Monument Valley itself, but the others?

I think there are about 4 locations - the 2 mentioned and the rest are on the monument valley tour: the posada and maybe the construction work that Jill passes by on the buggy.

I would be in favor of having just one page in the database for these four Utah spots, I think that’d be more user-friendly, plus, it really only involves one film anyway. The SWDb’s little Utah travel guide

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Let’s not forget, ‘The Genius’ (1975)

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