O Cabeleira / Se incontri Sjango, cercati un posto per morire! (Milton Amaral, 1963/1968)

Just found another of these impossible to find Spaghs!

Just when you thought you had seen everything:

Looks good, especially that girl next to the enormous phallic symbol

Thatā€™s not the filmā€™s original title. In fact at the moment I donā€™t have a clue which film this could be.

I think tā€™s Brazillian, however I added it to the DB:


Yes, itā€™s Brazilian, but it was released, in heavily manipulated form, in Italy under this (an yet another) title

The original title was (is) ā€˜O Cabeleiraā€™ and it was a film (like Giovanni Fagoā€™s Oā€™ CangaƧeiro) about the CangaƧo, noble banditry in the sense of the Mexican bandelero or, closer to home, Robin Hood

The film was re-edited and an entirely new soundtrack was written by Piero Umiliani; a song, called Sjango, sang by Raoul, was played over the credits. It was also shown under the title Sjango, cacciatore di taglie (Sjango, the bounty hunter) even though the protagonist is a foundling, an abandoned child, who becomes, as a young man and forced by circumstances, a bandit, not a bounty hunter.

The Brazilian film was released in 1963, the Italian version released in 1968

Source: Marco Giusti, Dizionarion dell Western allā€™Italiana

This all proves how great the demand for westerns was at a certain moment

I cannot say you did a good job on that, silence. Apart from that it shouldnā€™t be in the database anyway.

Iā€™ll see you at dawn, bastardo ;D!

Why shouldnā€™t it be in the database?

Well, the fact that it isnā€™t italian or even european is a clue. ::slight_smile:

Most of the Turkish Westerns are Anatolian but theyā€™re still there :-.

Topic moved to Eurowestern & Hybrids, by the way.

Hehe, I didnā€™t mean to be harsh. I agree about some other titles that should be perhaps removed, some of which I added myself.
I think the films in the database should be westerns and European, or shot in Europe. If the film takes place in Turkey or Spain, it should not be here.

Iā€™m ok with other non-American stuff to be there but itā€™ll be too much to add after a while so I think that seems to be fair. Also agree that ā€œWesternsā€ set in other countries than America and Mexico shouldnā€™t be there. Is Ac Kurtlar a Western by the way? Iā€™ve seen the first 47 minutes of this and while there are some Western elements, some stuff is also very non-Western (thereā€™s a quite modern car in the beginning!). Not so sure about these two either:

If it was re-edited into a SW it should be in. But there should be a comment what it is and why it is there. Howā€™s about transfering Scherpā€™s post to the data base page?


I get a strange message that thereā€™s no text in the page when I click on the link

What happened are Sjango and his girl off for a ā€¦


That should work.

EDIT: It didnā€™t! Go to recent changes to see the page!


And from here it doesnā€™t work


If you click on the link, the last ā€œ!ā€ is outside the link, and without it it doesnā€™t work.

Copy it with the ā€œ!ā€ and ā€¦ voila.

One of the mysteries of the computer world. Somehow the ā€œ!ā€ is copied as part of the link, but ā€¦
Iā€™ve just tried to copy and paste it again, but with the same result. Usually this works, here not.


The poster looks interesting. Where did you run across this, Silence?

When looking for Chrysanthemums For A Bunch Of Swine I came across a website with a couple of Umilianiā€™s soundtrack credits and this was one of them.